Fun Facts
> My name is pronounced DEE-druh. Nearly everyone pronounces it incorrectly. Actually, I was supposed to be named "Crystal." My father worked at an Army hospital in Germany while Mama was pregnant with me. A little girl was admitted, severely abused by her parents, and Daddy fell in love with her. He sat by her bedside, held her hand, and prayed for her until she passed...two weeks before my birth. Her name was Deidre.
My sister's name is Natasha; Daddy actually named her too. She was nam
About Me
I have a Communication degree from George Mason University and a Master's degree in Elementary Education from Old Dominion University. I've worked as an ED paraprofessional, completed student teaching in an elementary school, and was a substitute teacher for all grades. charlotte">Tutoring allows me to use my education and experience to promote student achievement through highly individualized lessons that are based on students' unique learning styles.
I've had the opportunity to teach students in both small group and one-on-one settings. As a paraprofessional, I was responsible for diversifying general education lessons for students depending upon their specific needs. Often, I included the use of manipulatives and real world application. Student teaching allowed me to become familiar with Common Core State Standards and the creation of lesson plans to accommodate those requirements. Much of my experience included one-on-one assessment and intervention to ensure those requirements were met.
I feel that my approach to charlotte">tutoring is a relatively simple one: present information in many ways, depending upon the specific learning styles of the student. I studied quite a bit about multiple intelligences in my Master's program and I actually believe in it. I can absolutely see how a student is more inclined to recall information when it's been sung to them or if they've made a picture of it or written a story about it. More importantly, however, I am interested in developing the student's desire to learn, their ability to retain information and apply it to their life. I feel that, if I am excited about learning, they will follow suit. I'm looking to improve academic performance, as well as develop lifelong learners.