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Fun Facts

I spend my free time playing several different types of sports. Weight lifting, jiu jitsu, football, swimming, etc. I love living an active lifestyle!

About Me

I am a first year law student at William and Mary. I graduated from Michigan State University, in the Honors College. My degree is in Political Science/Pre-Law, with a minor in Religious Studies. My ultimate goal is to become a prosecutor.


At Michigan State University, I ran the Social Science Tutoring Program. This included political science, history, psychology, economics, writing, and public speaking. I've also tutored elementary age children, in all subjects. Specifically with students from low-income families, and those with learning challenges.


As a tutor, I stress oral and written communication skills. I firmly believe that these skills are essential to all future professions, and academic success.

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Michigan State University

Political Science & Religious Studies

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History Tutoring

Social Science Tutoring Program - As a tutor, in this program, I frequently helped college students with their history courses.
I've taken American History, History of International Relations, and Russian History at MSU.

History Advance Tutoring

Social Science Tutoring Program - As a tutor, in this program, I frequently helped college students with their history courses. I've taken American History, History of International Relations, and Russian History at MSU.

Political Science Tutoring

Social Science Tutoring Program - Tutor
B.A in Political Science (Graduated with Honors from the Honors College).
I wrote my thesis on Emotional Rhetoric in Presidential Campaigns.

Some course that I've taken:
American Government
Political Statistics
The Executive
Constitutional Law
International Relations
Political Philosophy
Sports and Politics

Religion Tutoring

Minor in Religious Studies

Some courses I've taken in this area:
Native American Religions
Religious Studies Writings
Exploring Religion

Study Skills Tutoring

Social Science Tutoring Program - Tutor (Stressed study skills).

Writing Tutoring

I was enrolled in Honors English at Michigan State University. As a law student, I have a significant background in both persuasive and objective writing. I also took AP History in high school.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I was enrolled in Honors English at Michigan State University. As a law student, I have a significant background in both persuasive and objective writing.

AP English Tutoring

I was enrolled in Honors English at Michigan State University. As a law student, I have a significant background in both persuasive and objective writing.

AP History Tutoring

Social Science Tutoring Program (MSU) - As a tutor, in this program, I frequently helped college students with their history courses.
I've taken American History, History of International Relations, and Russian History at MSU.

English Tutoring

I was enrolled in Honors English at Michigan State University. As a law student, I have a significant background in both persuasive and objective writing.

Government Tutoring

Social Science Tutoring Program - Tutor
B.A in Political Science (Graduated with Honors from the Honors College).
I wrote my thesis on Emotional Rhetoric in Presidential Campaigns.

Some course that I've taken:
American Government
Political Statistics
The Executive
Constitutional Law
International Relations
Political Philosophy
Sports and Politics

Psychology Tutoring

Social Science Tutoring Program - As a tutor, in this program, I frequently helped college students with their psychology courses.

Courses I've taken in this area:
Intro to Psychology
Personality Psychology
Abnormal Psychology

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I was enrolled in Honors English at Michigan State University. As a law student, I have a significant background in reading.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I've tutored elementary students, with learning challenges, through their daily homework.

Social Studies Tutoring

I tutored elementary age children in Social Sciences.

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