Fun Facts
I love to travel and have lived (briefly) in Mexico, Spain, and Italy!
I'm an avid fan of soccer (or futbol) and will be attending the World Cup in Brazil next year!
I have a cat, and yes, I have trained him to do tricks!
I love baking and cooking in my free time. I cater family and friend parties!
About Me
I'm a student at chicago">University of Illinois at Chicago studying Urban Planning and Public Affairs with an interest in housing and real estate. After I graduate I have ambitions to attend law school with an emphasis in real estate law. Having grown up in Chicago, I am passionate about my city and its diverse communities. I chose my major of Urban Planning and Public Affairs because I strongly believe that listening to community perspectives and experiences is pinnacle in effective planning and development. I wanted to learn more about local government processes and be apart of the process.
I love helping others learn and reach their full potential! I have worked as an After-School volunteer with the organization PODER at Corkery Elementary. I helped children 8 through 12 with homework, school projects, computer skills, and organization/study skills. I have also helped peers with college level writing, math, and biology. I have edited papers as well as helped with outlines and paper organization. In my spare time, I volunteer at Instituto Del Progreso Latino for english literacy classes. There I teach English speaking and reading skills to Spanish speaking adults.
I believe everyone has it in them to learn a subject. It is all about putting in the work and taking the time to learn. I realize there are many different learning styles. When I am with a student I try to figure out how they best learn and what their interests are. I hone in on what interests them and applicate it to the subject. I firmly believe that this can be done with all subjects. I try to help the student learn in whatever style is best suited for them while relating it to the subject of interest. I really get to know my students, and that is what helps to make my chicago">tutoring so successful.