- Algebra
- Algebra II
- AP English
- Arts
- Calculus
- Calculus AP
- Economics
- English
- Government
- Macro Economics
- Math
- Math Advance
- Micro-Economics
- Pre Algebra
- Pre Calculus
- Psychology
- Reading Comprehension
- SAT Math
- SAT Verbal/Writing
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Study Skills
- Trigonometry
- Writing
- Writing Advance
- Linear Algebra
- Differential equation
Fun Facts
I love to cook and have ambitions of owning my own restaurant someday. I am extremely spiritual and loving and kind yet inclusive and open to all ideologies. I am a freelance artist specializing in filmmaking, photography, and painting (large, abstract, mixed media). I can solve a rubik's cube in under a minute. I want to move to Hawaii someday. I am visiting Jerusalem this summer for the first time! I wonder, often, why it is so hard (and expensive) to procure an organic artichoke.
About Me
I am a 25 years old and graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in Philosophy and English in 2014. I also took 5 mathematics courses and 2 economics courses. I love to write and have a daily artistic practice where I wake up at 4am and write until 7am, working diligently on a book of cinematic, philosophical prose poetry. I have been involved with the YMCA Leaders Club in the past and hope to continue to inspire and teach others by drawing on such leadership.
As a member of the YMCA Leaders Club, I taught various classes on group dynamics, organizational leadership, health, exercise and wellbeing and volunteering with young children (ages 5-13). I also organized leadership rallies (300+ attendees) and served on the marketing committee to help promote these events. I was a counselor at the annual Blue Ridge Leadership School and have also worked in customer service for 5 years, so I deeply understand the art of silence, education, and expression.
I approach every session as a unique opportunity for both parties to grow and develop. I am very passionate about the subject matter and try to fit my teaching method to the particular student. Some days this may involve more hands-on learning, other days more lecture based instruction, and sometimes something more experimental. I am very patient and constantly come up with innovative ways to ensure the student is not left behind or confused or bored in any way, but always having fun.
Request Me NowUniversity of North Carolina--Chapel Hill
Philosophy / English
DePaul University
Film Production
MastersAdobe Photoshop Tutoring
I use this daily in my artistic practice to edit my photographs. See the iridescence at www.joshzeldin.com I am a master editor!
Arts Tutoring
I have worked as a freelance artist for over a year now. I have completed 5 short films as director, editor, writer, producer, cinematographer, sound designer, and production designer. My website: www.joshzeldin.com I am also a photographer and musician, and most of the money I make comes from my paintings, which are abstract and large typically. I understand the arts very deeply and the overlaps between them all. I was also briefly enrolled in the MFA program for film production at DePaul University Film School (top 20 ranking) before deciding the degree did not warrant the 100,000$ price tag. Since then I have been thriving as an individual artist in NYC, Chicago, and Denver.
Calculus I Tutoring
I took Calc 1 in High School and got a 4 on the AP exam. I love calc. It is my favorite math course by far. I love teaching it and it is what I taught to college students at UNC-Chapel Hill because it is so foundational and beautiful and elegant all at once!
Calculus 2 Tutoring
I received an A in Calc 2 in College. I love this class and have mastered the subject material. It is so complex and beautiful!
Calculus 3 Tutoring
I received an A in Calc 3 in college. This class is kind of a departure though from Calc 1 and 2. It is significantly harder and students usually struggle with the changes here, but I have mastered it and love it deeply! I especially love graphing and analyzing functions using linear algebra and more advanced topics that are typically introduced in this course.
College Algebra Tutoring
I understand all math courses very deeply!
English Tutoring
I have a daily writing practice where I wake up at 4am and write until 7am. But it is not only creative writing that I do daily. I am also a philosopher and nonfiction writer and theorist more generally, so I can help you with more fiction or non-fiction, essay, arguments, and anything in between. I took 9 english courses in college and got A's and B's in all of them.
Literature Tutoring
I have always been a voracious reader and have a wide knowledge of specifically American Literature.
Macro Economics Tutoring
I aced this class in college. I got an A. So interesting!
Math Tutoring
I understand math very deeply!
Micro-Economics Tutoring
I also aced this course in college (A). I think it is much harder than Macro, but that's just me. I still love it!
Philosophy Tutoring
This is my personal specialty. Majored in it in college. 3.45 GPA. It is considered one of the hardest degrees because it is simultaneously so analytical, logical, creative, and literary - a combo of right-brain/left-brain (which I am). I am expert on specifically modern Philosophy and Greek Philosophy, but also existentialism, political, history of philosophy, logic, ethics, and metaphysics is my personal favorite.
Pre Calculus Tutoring
Once again, I can tutor any math class "beneath" Calc 3. Aced this in High School.
Psychology Tutoring
I know a ton about this area from my own research, artistic vocation, and personal experiences.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
I am an avid reader and love to assist others with strengthening their skills. I have a ton of wisdom here and helpful tips.
Spanish I Tutoring
My mom was born in Spain and I am half-spanish as a result. I have intermediate fluency, and can help you with grammar, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension!
Spanish II Tutoring
I am half Spanish and have intermediate fluency. My mother spoke to me in Spanish growing up, and I got a 3 on the AP Spanish Language exam in High School (and consequently placed out of it in college). I have also been to Spain.
Writing Tutoring
I am currently working on my first novel so I am very good at writing (prose poetry). Majored in English in College (3.45 GPA) at a prestigious university. I also am passionate about cinema and screenwriting, as well as philosophy and non-fiction, trans-genre writing.
Writing Advance Tutoring
I understand writing very deeply! See the description for the other writing/reading subjects. I am a creative writer by trade / freelancing.
Algebra Tutoring
I simply love math, any math class, especially algebra because it is so important for all the later classes!
Algebra II Tutoring
I simply love math, any math class, especially algebra because it is so important for all the later classes!
AP English Tutoring
Got a 5 on the AP English Exam in High School. I am a creative writer by trade and love to read and write everyday!
Calculus Tutoring
I aced this course in High School and College. Got a 4 on the AP Calc exam. A's in Calc 2 and 3 in college. I love this stuff!
Calculus AP Tutoring
I aced this course in High School and College. Got a 4 on the AP Calc exam. A's in Calc 2 and 3 in college. I love this stuff!
Economics Tutoring
Aced Micro and Macro in college.
Government Tutoring
Got a 5 on the AP Gov test in High School. Very interesting subject, especially in our current politically charged climate!
Math Advance Tutoring
I simply love math, any math class, especially algebra because it is so important for all the later classes!
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I simply love math, any math class, especially algebra because it is so important for all the later classes!
SAT Math Tutoring
Got a 640 on SAT Math section in High School. Got a 740 on SAT Math Subject Test.
SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring
Got a 760 on my SAT writing in High School.
Study Skills Tutoring
I can help your student succeed because I am organized and obsessive and kind and patient!
Trigonometry Tutoring
I simply love math, any math class, especially algebra and trigonometry because it is so important for all the later classes!
History Tutoring
I love history and consider myself a history buff!
Homework Coach Tutoring
I am very responsible and organized and diligent and obsessive and can help your student succeed in anything!
Middle School Math Tutoring
I love math (took 5 math courses in college - aced them all). I especially love the "lower level" math courses because they are the foundation of everything!
Spanish Tutoring
I am half-spanish and have intermediate fluency. I have also been to Spain.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I love math and especially the "lower level" math courses because they are the foundation of everything!
Social Studies Tutoring
I love history and social studies. I am very passionate about all academic subjects, and learning this stuff is especially important in our politically charged climate!
ACT English Tutoring
Got a 34 on my ACT in High School.
ACT Math Tutoring
Got a 32 on my ACT in High School in Math.
ACT Reading Tutoring
Got a 34 on my ACT reading section in High School.
Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring
High proficiency just from being an artist and working with this program daily!
Microsoft Word Tutoring
High proficiency just from being an artist and working with this program daily!
Video Production Tutoring
I attended DePaul University Film School for a semester and created 5 short films over the last years - rotating as Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, production designer, and sound designer. See my work at www.joshzeldin.com I am a master of color and form from my experiences with painting as well. I also have mastered the entire Adobe Creative Suite.
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