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Mustafa S.
Experienced MS Excel & AutoCad Tutor 

Fun Facts

A fun fact about me is that I love electronics and technology especially if they are computer related. I know four languages Kurdish, English, Arabic and Turkish.

About Me

M name is Mustafa Saber. I’m from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and I’m currently an MS student in Industrial Engineering at the University of New Haven.

As a person, I believe that I am an honest person regardless of the consequences, and I’m also compatible and adaptive; therefore, I can get along with others and work as a team worker to execute a specific task. I am loyal to my friends and loved ones and have the courage to do .


Tutoring Experience:
1) MS Excel course for my colleagues at the Danish Refugee Council Organization.
2) AutoCad Course for a group of college students
Professional Experiance
I have three years of experience in construction industries where creativity, critical thinking, team work ,and good management skills were required. Also I have eleven months of experience with humanitarian organization where, social skills, communication skills, computer skills, and good reporting skills were essential.


I love making people's life easier and help people as much as possible. I can achieve this goal by sharing my experience that I have learned throughout my student and professional life.

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Civil Engineering

University of New Haven

Industrial Engineering

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AutoCAD Tutoring

As a civil engineer, AutoCAD is my best friend since it made my job a lot easier. I had taken AutoCAD courses on my sophomore and senior college years. I have been working on AutoCAD since 2008. After my graduation, I had instructed in AutoCAD training courses for students and colleagues.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

MS Excel is one of my favorite programs.I have been using Excel since 2006. I tutored my colleagues at Danish Refugee council. Developed a database for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Erbil-Iraq. Instructed personnel from UNHCR and DRC on how to use the database.

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