Fun Facts
One thing i enjoy doing is math, its one of my passions outside of sports. I love ultimate Frisbee, i try to play it whenever i get the chance. I am one out of eight siblings, when i graduate, I will be the first with a B.A.
About Me
I am a junior Civil Engineering major at Morgan State University, I'm currently in the Army ROTC program at Morgan. When i graduate i plan on going Active Duty In the U.S. Army as a 2nd Lueitenant, joining the Corps of Engineerings
I've helped tutor children back at my middle, at an after school program funded and started by John's Hopkins.
I wasn't the best student but i made through whatever courses I took because of my mentors and teachers. As a tutor, I bring optimism to the table along with help and information. I believe that repetition is key.
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