Fun Facts
I am generally described as a very passionate and energetic person. I am self taught in guitar and piano, so music is a big part of who I am. My family is from Venezuela but I was raised in the US, so I am equally fluent in Spanish and English.
About Me
I am currently a sophomore at Loyola University majoring in Pure Mathemstics and minoring in Physics. After I graduate, I plan on obtaining my Ph.D in Math or Physics.
I tutor younger physics students on a bi-weekly schedule. I have been searching for opportunities to extend my various abilities to other people. Frog Tutoring has given me the chance to do this. I enjoy working with people and I look forward to working hard and helping others succeed.
As a child, I was always extremely curious about anything and everything. As an adult, I have maintained that level of curiosity, and I truly believe it is one of my defining characteristics. As a tutor, I would like to spread that curiosity to others. I truly believe that curiosity is the single most important feature in a student, and it can lead you to the greatest places.
Request Me NowLoyola University Maryland
Pure Mathematics
Calculus I Tutoring
Calculus can be quite daunting, even for college students. As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind all things calculus. Given this and my love for math, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Math Tutoring
As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind all things math. I have proficient knowledge in Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, etc. Given this and my love for math, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Spanish III Tutoring
My family is from Venezuela and I visit there twice a year. Having grown up in Miami, I am equally fluent in Spanish and English, and have taken four years of high school spanish.
Algebra Tutoring
As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind all things algebra, Give this and my love for math, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Algebra II Tutoring
As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind all things algebra, Give this and my love for math, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Calculus Tutoring
Calculus can be daunting for high schoolers. As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind all things calculus. Given this and my love for math, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Geometry Tutoring
As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind geometry, Given this and my love for math in general, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind all things algebra, Give this and my love for math, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Pre Calculus Tutoring
Calculus can be daunting for high schoolers. As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind all things calculus. Given this and my love for math, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Spanish Tutoring
My family is from Venezuela and I visit there twice a year. Having grown up in Miami, I am equally fluent in Spanish and English, and have taken four years of high school spanish.
Guitar Tutoring
I am self-taught but proficient. I can get you playing in no time, amd with lots of fun.
Piano Tutoring
I am self taught in Piano. I am very energetic and passionate in music (as my friends will testify), and piano is among my favorite hobbies ever.
Astronomy Tutoring
Astronomy has always been among my personal favorite subjects. I took and excelled n classes in high school, and my minor in physics has certainly helped in my understanding of Astronomy, enough so to teach it at basic and excelled levels.
Math Advance Tutoring
As a Math major, I have a fundamental understanding of the reasoning and logic behind all things math. I have proficient knowledge in Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, etc. Given this and my love for math, I can deliver my services with great energy amd enthusiasm.
Philosophy Tutoring
I have always been an avid philosophy lover. I have taken general courses on philosophy, and done some of ,y own private reading for fun. In general, I have an overarching understanding of philosophy that makes me a great teacher of the subject.
Sociology Tutoring
The realm of sociology has always fascinated me. I have taken classes on general sociology, sociology of the self and instituions, and sociology of religion. In al of these I have been well respected by my professors and acheived high scores.
Spanish I Tutoring
My family is from Venezuela and I visit there twice a year. Having grown up in Miami, I am equally fluent in Spanish and English, and have taken four years of high school spanish.
Spanish II Tutoring
My family is from Venezuela and I visit there twice a year. Having grown up in Miami, I am equally fluent in Spanish and English, and have taken four years of high school spanish.
Government Tutoring
Although I must admit I do not hold any expertise in this field, given the classes I have taken on government and my final grade level in these, I believe I have the necessary knowledge and teaching capabilities to help a student succeed in this class.
Writing Advance Tutoring
Writing was my first love. Since I was a child, I have been consistently praised for my writing ability, and I would love to use my talent to help others achieve this same level of confidence in their own writing skills.
Science Tutoring
I am a HUGE science nerd. That is, I love all things science and am very passionate about it. Therefore, I can eagerly teach virtually of its subjects with energy and enthusiasm.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I love working with children, and I believe that my current degree in Math has allowed me to get a fundamental understanding that I can extend in elementary math and help the student with the foundation of math-one of the most important building blocks to success in school.
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