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Fun Facts

my passion is to play cricket and watching cricket and volleyball

About Me

I am a graduate student at university of new haven along with 4 years of experience in the industry in low voltage switchgear.


During undergraduate i had the opportunity to teach the math for high school students.


As a child till i was good at studies from the beginning and honored by awards and then with the talent got a good job in saudi arabia, with the talent i got a chance to visit Dubai to exhibit our products and to make the relationships with different clients

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University of New Haven

electrical engineer

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Middle School Math Tutoring

good at maths always scored A grade

Elementary Math Tutoring

good at maths always scored A grade

GRE Tutoring

scored 285

AutoCAD Tutoring

worked as design engineer using Auto cad in saudi arabia

College Algebra Tutoring

used in college and present in masters

Trigonometry Tutoring

studied from school and present in school

Pre Algebra Tutoring

good at maths always scored A grade

Writing Tutoring

good at writing and scored 6 in ielts

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Daily used to read newspaper and books

Study Skills Tutoring

good at study and make others to learn quickly

IELTS Tutoring

scored 6.0

MATLAB Tutoring

done school projects

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

had experience using word

Microsoft Word Tutoring

experienced using excel

Networking Tutoring

done school projects

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