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Fun Facts

I love being creative and artistic. I love sports and anything to get the body moving. I love to make others laugh. I have a deep passion for other cultures and wanting to travel the world.

About Me

I am a junior Asian Studies major with a concentration in TEFL at Kennesaw State University. I my goal is to one day be able to teach English in South Korea. I am also talking Korean Language courses.


I have assisted family friends with tutoring their children in subjects like math, social studies, and language arts. I have shadowing teachers in an elementary school setting, assisting them with helping instruct the children and help them complete assignments. I have helped with sports teams at my local recreation department for children ages 8 to 12. Working for Frog Tutoring will help me reach my goals as an educator and I will gain more experience in the classroom.


Throughout my early education years, I have always had teachers that were willing to help students no matter how long it took them to understand the subject. I consider myself fortunate in that. In high school I had a Literature teacher that sparked my interest in becoming an educator because she showed so much passion for what she did. I love to teach and coach others so that they can be proud of their accomplishments and feel good about their education.

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Kennesaw State University

Asian Studies

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English Tutoring

I have experience tutoring a middle school aged child in this subject. I tutored him for about 5 months. I helped him with his grammar usage and sentence structure.

Homework Coach Tutoring

With this I feel like it is about time management and workload management. I am a very organized person. I keep calendars, planners, set alarms on my phone, etc. in order to keep everything I need to have done organized in a manner that I am not overwhelmed. I am confident that I can teach students how to organize their time so that they can successfully complete homework assignments without hurting themselves in other subjects or disrupting their social lives. Students need to feel less constrained by their school work so they don't push it aside and let their grades suffer out of disinterest. I feel that I can help them realize that they don't have to have their grades suffer in order to do things outside of school.

Math Tutoring

I have tutored a middle school aged students in this subject. I helped him with pre-algebra. I assisted in helping his understand formulas and helped him complete homework assignments. Mathematics was a subject of great interest to me throughout school and I always kept a high grade in mathematics.

Elementary Math Tutoring

With my experience tutoring in pre-algebra, I feel that I will be able to successfully tutoring in elementary mathematics. My skills in mathematics is strong and I am confident that I will be able to teach the material that the student needs.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I love to read and I am confident in my ability to complete reading comprehension assignments. I always kept a high average in literature classes. I have also tutored a middle school aged student with completing reading assignments and helping him complete comprehension assignments.

Study Skills Tutoring

Throughout my educational experience as a student, I have figured out the "art" of studying. I feel that knowing how to properly study depending on the subject is important for a young student to grasp at an early age. I am confident that I can use my experience to help younger students learn how properly study.

Writing Tutoring

Writing is always something that was made fun for me as a student. Though as you get into college writing becomes a little less fun sometimes, but I have a strong grasp on my writing skills as well. I have assisted in reading fellow students' papers and I have given pointers on things they needed to fix and change. I wrote inserts for my high school year book as well and helped edit works done by others. I am confident that I can properly instruct on correct writing.

Algebra Tutoring

I have experience tutoring in this subject. I always held a high average in math related subjects. I understand the concepts and can properly instruct on how to use them to students. With my instruction, the student, whom I was tutoring, had a grade increase and a better understanding of the subject material by the end of our meetings.

English Tutoring

English was one of my favorite subjects in school. I have always had great confidence when it comes to English and my grades were always good throughout my education. I assisted in tutoring students in English, and I was a member of the Yearbook staph in high school. I edited and proofread material for the yearbook.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Throughout my educational experience, I have learned how to properly organize my work loads so I can effectively complete assignments. I have assisted students, as well as friends and family members, on their organizational skills in order to complete work or school related tasks effectively.

Math Tutoring

I was in honors math classes starting in middle school and all through high school. I have tutored students in math, as well as help out others whom I was not tutoring, with math as well. I am confident in my ability to instruct math problems and concepts to students in a manner that students of all learning capabilities can understand.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

As mentioned before, I was in honors math classes starting in middle school, where I took pre algebra starting in seventh grade. I maintained a high average and I have experience assisting others in this subject. algebraic equations and concepts are things that I can effectively understand and relay to others.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I have always loved to read and I encourage students to take up this hobby because it helps them learn as well as discover a great pass time. I have assisted students prepare for tests by helping them grasp key concepts and know what to look for in comprehension assignments.

Study Skills Tutoring

I am a very organized person when it comes to studying and preparing for tests. I have learned over years of schooling that there are good ways and bad ways to study. I am confident in my ability to effectively study and my ability to assist students in discovering the bests ways for them to study.

Writing Tutoring

As in reading comprehension and English, I am confident in my ability to write and help others with their writing. I always kept high averages when it came to my writing assignments and, as mentioned in the English section,I was a member of the yearbook staph in high school where I proof read other people's inserts and helped with editing for the team.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

I have several years of experience using this tool. I have had jobs that required Microsoft Excel to be used in order to form my data reports and keep numbers, products, and pricing organized for the company I worked for.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I use this tool on a daily basis. I know how to format papers, resumes, how to add special content to a document, etc. I have full confidence in my ability to use this tool and I have helped many people, including students, properly use this tool.

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