Fun Facts
I have traveled throughout the world as a performing musician on professional tours throughout the US, Europe, Japan, and China. With a musical outfit that I co-organized in Oakland and Berkeley, California, I composed original scoring for a joint-venture recording project with a contemporary Japanese orchestra. The success of the project fostered live performances of the two musical groups together across the US and Japan in 2008 and 2009.
About Me
I graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a B.A. in History--concentration on East Asia. As an undergraduate student I was selected to enroll in graduate courses in the History Department based upon my academic performance within my major. I participated in a film documentary about US war veterans where I interviewed American Indian Vietnam Veterans. I am a life-long student of History, a musician, and a writer of expository short stories, fiction, and non-fiction. I am a seeker of an understanding of the human endeavor, a dedicated disciple of the humanities and the ubiquity of the human spirit, canvassing the scope and diversity of the artistic and the artless, from aesthetic to simpleton forms of vernacular expression and communication. Therefore, the transparency of the discipline of my training, History, leads me to be a student of Literature as well as a student of Psychology, as these and other disciplines weave their threads continuously in and out of the patterns of History revealing the cloth and garment of humanity.
I worked as an English writing memphis">tutor and an ESL memphis">tutor at Berkeley City College from 2005-2007. In addition to memphis">tutoring native English speaking students in class during a computer writing course I co-instructed a writing workshop course for international students as the Teacher Assistant under the chair of the English and ESL department at the college. I guided students towards realizing their own basic mechanical grammar mistakes and facilitated them in the formulation of their ideas for essay writing assignments for all of their classes that required essay or writing composition. I also held office hours daily for both international and native English speaking students seeking help and/or advice with their writing assignments and language acquisition. I held off-campus tutorials for students who wanted more help with their speaking and writing composition in addition to their English literature cours
*2005-2007–Lonely Planet Publications; Merchandiser, Shipping/Receiving;
*2007–Berkeley City College, Berkeley, CA; English Composition and ESL Writing Workshop Instructor; Taught a computer lab course on how to craft effective, college-level essay writing.
*2010–Cyber Cafe Oakland, Oakland, CA.; Taught ESL mostly to foreign exchange students in Oakland and San Francisco.
*2012-2014–Shanghai, China;
University of California--Santa Cruz
History of Asia and Islamic World. B.A.
Stanford University
Petroleum Engineering
Graduate Coursework