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Meribah L.
Kinder-High School Math and Physics Tutor 
University of North Texas
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I played the cello for 8 years of my life and even had the opportunity to play on the Carnegie Hall stage once. I LOVE musicals and show tunes, but if you asked any of my 5 siblings they would tell you that the don't love to hear me singing along. My favorite way to relive stress is by coloring in adult (and sometimes children's) coloring books.

About Me

I am a UNT students with a major in physics and minor in math. I am currently on the Dean's list with a 3.5 GPA. My dream job is to be a high school AP physics teacher.


I am currently enrolled in the Teach North Texas program where I am earning my teaching certification alongside my degree. Through this program I have had the opportunity to work in both a 5th and 6th grade science class. I also completed one year of Read Set Teach, a teacher prep course, while in high school where I spent one semester in a 4th grade English/history class and one semester in a 6th grade math class.


I believe that patience is the most important quality to have at all times while tutoring. I begin by finding out what the student already knows so that I am able to determine where they become confused. From there I am able to lead the student in the right direction towards the answer. During this entire process, no matter how difficult it can get, I am adamant that I never become frustrated with the student.

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University of North Texas


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Algebra Tutoring

I have taken all the required math class from pre-algebra through algebra 2 while in high school, making A's in all of these classes. I am currently working towards a math minor at UNT.

Algebra II Tutoring

I have taken all the required math class from pre-algebra through algebra 2 while in high school, making A's in all of these classes. I am currently working towards a math minor at UNT.

AP Physics Tutoring

I took 2 years of high school AP physics and passed the AP test both years. I am currently a physics major at UNT.

Calculus Tutoring

I have taken pre calculus, calculus 1 and 2 as well as multi-variable calculus. I made a 5 on the AP calculus test. I am currently working towards a math minor.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have taken all the required math class from pre-algebra through algebra 2 while in high school, making A's in all of these classes. I am currently working towards a math minor at UNT.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I have taken pre calculus, calculus 1 and 2 as well as multi-variable calculus. I made a 5 on the AP calculus test. I am currently working towards a math minor.

Math Advance Tutoring

I took advanced math during all of middle school and high school, making A's in all of my classes. I am currently working towards a math minor at UNT.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I took advanced math during all of middle school and high school, making A's in all of my classes. I am currently working towards a math minor at UNT.

Math Tutoring

I took advanced math during all of middle school and high school, making A's in all of my classes. I am currently working towards a math minor at UNT.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I took advanced math during all of middle school and high school, making A's in all of my classes. I am currently working towards a math minor at UNT.

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