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Mary B.
Reading comprehension tutor 
Loyola University Maryland
High School
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

One passion of mine is playing basketball. I have been playing since I was 5 and I have been a coach for a few years as well. I am the youngest of 4 children and I am an aunt to a niece who is 4 and a nephew who is almost a year.

About Me

I just graduated college from Loyola University Maryland. I graduated with a major in elementary education and a minor in special education. After I teach for a few years I hope to go to graduate school and become a reading specialist.


During my four years at Loyola I was able to observe and teach in classrooms. My senior year I was a student teacher in a first grade classroom and a fourth grade classroom teaching all subjects. I loved both grades and just love children in elementary school. In the summer while in college I was a camp counselor and I have been coaching basketball for children ages 9-12.


As a child I struggled with reading. I was a slow reader and I struggled with reading comprehension. I had one teacher in second grade who tried to help me with this, however, I still struggled after that. I want to be that tutor for a child where they really improve their reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is a lifelong skill and I want to help children at a young age so they can move forward successfully.

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Loyola University Maryland

Elementary Education

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Reading Comprehension Tutoring

RE*420 01 Assess & Instruc in Reading II A
ED*440 01 Field Exp:Reading (Elem) P 1.00
RE*344 01 Assessment & Instruc Reading I A- 3.00

Above are the reading classes I took during my undergrad at Loyola. I worked with a first grader on improving her reading comprehension during this class. I got a degree in elementary education and these were the courses we needed to take. We were given the opportunity to work one on one with a student in comprehension. These classes were all about the best ways to teach reading and the best strategies to tell a student's reading level. I am able to carry over these skills to higher level students and use the same methods for a high school student.

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