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Fun Facts

I absolutely love reading. Every chance I get I am reading or learning something new.

About Me

I am a professional nanny for the past 7.5 years. I am going back to school to fulfill my love of psychology. I would love to be a ABA specialist.


As an education major, teaching comes naturally to me. I love to learn and bring that joy to others! I have tutored several students in the past. My experience covers special needs, organization, study skills, time management, and so much more.


My approach is to show children how the subjects they are learning in school aren't useless, but they are tools we need in order to live life and be successful. In order to help a student you must always understand that everyone learns differently. I always try to interact and teach my students based on their style of learning. I try to find ways to make learning fun!

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Marist College

Psychology and special education

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Child Development Tutoring

I took a couple of child developement courses for my education major.

Education Tutoring

I took a wide range of education classes for my major.

Psychology Tutoring

I was a double major with education so many of classs were psychology based and everything was interconnected.

Religion Tutoring

I am a Roman Catholic who attends a Christina church. I also have family members who are Jewish. I love to learn so therefore I am always studying up about the different world religions.

Sociology Tutoring

I studied this subject in order to give me a broader view of the world.

Writing Tutoring

I'm a avid reader and love to write.

English Tutoring

I am a avid reader and writer.

Geometry Tutoring

This was my favorite math in high school.

History Tutoring

I enjoy learning about history and studying it.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I have prior experience with this.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have prior experience.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I took many writing courses in high school and college.

Algebra Tutoring

Prior experience.

Biology Tutoring

Prior experience

Math Tutoring

Prior experience

Middle School Math Tutoring

Prior experience

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Prior experience

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Prior experience

Science Tutoring

Prior knowledge

Spanish Tutoring

Prior knowledge

Elementary Math Tutoring

Prior experience

Social Studies Tutoring

Prior experience

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