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Fun Facts

I love learning new things and I've always been a teacher in one form or another. Right now, I'm really into anthropology, foreign languages, and tasting/ cooking food from around the world! I hope to travel internationally again one day. So far, I've only been to China but it was amazing!

As you'll see in my profile, I'm very artsy...

About Me

I started teaching arts entrepreneurship in the music department at NC State University in 2015, and I really love it! I get to help college students design and market small, arts-related businesses in everything from theater to hip-hop to fashion to crafts, and it's a very rewarding and creative way to spend my days. I was a music major in college and grad school. I am an orchestral clarinetist, and I continue to teach clarinet and piano lessons to students of all ages. My strongest subject areas are reading-comprehension/north-carolina/raleigh">reading comprehension, writing/ research, literature and language arts, history, social studies, music, and anything on the humanities side of things.


My formal raleigh">tutoring career began as a graduate student at the University of South Carolina, raleigh">tutoring first-year athletes in reading-comprehension/north-carolina/raleigh">reading comprehension, writing, study strategies, and time-management. With Frog raleigh">Tutoring, I have worked with middle school and high school students in a variety of subject areas, but I tend to focus on reading, writing, history/ social studies, and general academic coaching for students struggling with study skills, time management, and organization.


My ultimate objective is to develop independence and confidence in my students. Many students overcome academic obstacles simply by developing better study habits and test-taking skills, setting goals, and developing better time-management skills. However, many of us experience extreme difficulty with a particular subject. For me, it was always math. My struggles were a source of shame and anxiety for me, and I want to provide my students with the ally I needed as a kid.

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East Carolina University

Bachelor of Music

University of Georgia

Master of Music


University of South Carolina

Doctor of Musical Arts

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Arts Tutoring

Although I am a musician, I have a comprehensive understanding of the arts. Our courses are very interdisciplinary in nature. My students write, rap, paint, design, build, etc. etc. Teaching arts entrepreneurship requires delving into a wide variety of arts-related subjects every day.

Business Tutoring

I teach courses in business, focusing on creative and arts-related businesses. I have also run my own business as a private music teacher and freelance musician, and I have helped artists in the Charlotte and Triangle areas with their own businesses, as well. I also conduct research in entrepreneurship.

English Tutoring

Writing has always been my academic strength, but there is always more to learn! As a college professor, I'm always writing and I'm always helping my own students write more effectively, as well. I focused on reading and writing as an academic tutor for student athletes at USC.

Music Theory Tutoring

Having earned a Master of Music, a Bachelor of Music, and a Doctor of Musical Arts, I've studied music history in depth at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It's a beast at first but very cool once you get the hang of it.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I am strongest in reading and writing and most of my tutoring experience at the college level and through Frog Tutoring has been in this area.

Writing Tutoring

College professors are always publishing! Writing was my first love and I even enjoyed writing my dissertation.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I am a professional classical musician and music teacher. I have studied music since I was a young child, and I majored in music performance throughout college and graduate school. In 2019, I earned a doctorate in music from the University of South Carolina. My coursework included clarinet, piano, ear training and aural skills, music theory, and music history, and orchestration.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Much of my work with both student athletes and middle school and high school students at Frog Tutoring is academic coaching. I have been a student my whole life, so I understand how important this is! In my experience, most students simply need help learning how to learn.

Piano Tutoring

I am a professional classical musician and music teacher. I have studied music since I was a young child, and I majored in music performance throughout college and graduate school. In 2019, I earned a doctorate in music from the University of South Carolina. My coursework included clarinet, piano, ear training/ aural skills, music theory, and music history, and orchestration.

I have taught private piano and clarinet lessons to students of all ages since I was in high school. I have worked with numerous high school and middle school bands in NC, SC, and GA, and I taught music lessons to young children, teens, and adults through multiple music schools as well as through my own private studio.

Music History Tutoring

I am a professional classical musician and music teacher. I have studied music since I was a young child, and I majored in music performance throughout college and graduate school. In 2019, I earned a doctorate in music from the University of South Carolina. My coursework included clarinet, piano, ear training/ aural skills, music theory, and music history, and orchestration.

I have taught private piano and clarinet lessons to students of all ages since I was in high school. I have worked with numerous high school and middle school bands in NC, SC, and GA, and I taught music lessons to young children, teens, and adults through multiple music schools as well as through my own private studio.

General Music Tutoring

I am a professional classical musician and music teacher. I have studied music since I was a young child, and I majored in music performance throughout college and graduate school. In 2019, I earned a doctorate in music from the University of South Carolina. My coursework included clarinet, piano, ear training/ aural skills, music theory, and music history, and orchestration.

I have taught private piano and clarinet lessons to students of all ages since I was in high school. I have worked with numerous high school and middle school bands in NC, SC, and GA, and I taught music lessons to young children, teens, and adults through multiple music schools as well as through my own private studio.

Study Skills Tutoring

Much of my work with both student athletes and middle school and high school students at Frog Tutoring is academic coaching. I have been a student my whole life, so I understand how important this is! In my experience, most students simply need help learning how to learn.

Ear Training Tutoring

I am a professional classical musician and music teacher. I have studied music since I was a young child, and I majored in music performance throughout college and graduate school. In 2019, I earned a doctorate in music from the University of South Carolina. My coursework included clarinet, piano, ear training/ aural skills, music theory, and music history, and orchestration.

I have taught private piano and clarinet lessons to students of all ages since I was in high school. I have worked with numerous high school and middle school bands in NC, SC, and GA, and I taught music lessons to young children, teens, and adults through multiple music schools as well as through my own private studio.

Clarinet Compostion Tutoring

I am a professional classical musician and music teacher. I have studied music since I was a young child, and I majored in music performance throughout college and graduate school. In 2019, I earned a doctorate in music from the University of South Carolina. My coursework included clarinet, piano, ear training/ aural skills, music theory, and music history, and orchestration.

I have taught private piano and clarinet lessons to students of all ages since I was in high school. I have worked with numerous high school and middle school bands in NC, SC, and GA, and I taught music lessons to young children, teens, and adults through multiple music schools as well as through my own private studio.

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