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Fun Facts

I am from Seattle, but I go to college in Chicago and every time I come home I have to always go on hike and hammock. I love being outside, in nature because there is not much of that in Chicago.

About Me

I am a rising Junior at Loyola University Chicago studying Sociology and Human Services. I have been on the dean's list two years in a row. I was a student mentor on my campus for first generation college students and students of color. I am hoping to attend grad school for social work in the future.


In high school I would volunteer at my local boys and girls club and I would help tutor elementary students and middle school students in all subjects. Last summer, I worked as a teacher's aid for a kindergarten class. In this I assisted the teacher in instructing class material and I also helped the students with their work. My past two spring breaks in college, I have traveled to both East St Louis and Memphis and worked torturing children and working in their classrooms.


I struggled in school, like every child has, but with the help of caring and patient tutors and a father who was a teacher I was able succeed and be where I am today. Students who are struggling in school often equate their performance to their self worth, I'd work to separate these two things. I want children to know that they are great and important no matter the score but at the same time, I want to work get their scores up while boosting their self esteem.

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Loyola University Chicago

Sociology and Human Services

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Math Tutoring

Math was always my favorite subject, maybe because my dad was a middle school math teacher. I have always excelled at math. I scored highest in math in both my SAT and ACT.

Math Advance Tutoring

Like previously stated, Math has always been my strong suit. It was an integral part of my rigorous high school curriculum. I also scored highest in Math in both the SAT and ACT.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Out of all the math classes I have taken, Pre Algebra has always been my favorite class. It is the class that I have always gotten and clicked with.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Reading is an essential part of my college career. It was also very important to my high school career, especially with taking AP English. I do have experience tutoring middle school age students in reading comprehension.

Elementary Math Tutoring

Math has always been my favorite subject. I am always the go to tutor for younger family members in math. I have experience explaining and aiding in comprehension in math for elementary students.

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