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Fun Facts

I love kayaking, baking, and pottery.

About Me

I work as a research scientist at UNM and I work on various issues relating to criminal justice.
I have an MA in Political Science from TAMU and B.A.'s in Economics and Political Science. I use statistics daily and have additional training in Public Health, Public Administration, and Public Policy.


I've taught a college level statistics course, and I've been a tutor for at least 3 years.


I try to make examples as relatable to the person as possible. I use varying techniques to best fit the student.

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University of New Mexico

Political Science, Economics

Texas A&M University

Political Science

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Advance Statistics Tutoring

I've taken graduate level quantitative methodology courses as well as teaching a course. I use statistics constantly on my job.

College Algebra Tutoring

I use graduate level statistics and have taken courses up to calc 3. I've also previously tutored college algebra.

Economics Tutoring

I have a degree in Economic, and I am constantly using econometrics among other things.

Elementary Statistics Tutoring

I've taken graduate level quantitative methodology courses as well as teaching a course. I use statistics constantly on my job.

Macro Economics Tutoring

I have a degree in Economic, and I am constantly using econometrics among other things.

Math Tutoring

I've taught Statistics, my job as a research scientist requires using math daily, I've tutored algebra, and I was taught up to Calculus 3.

Algebra Tutoring

I've taught Statistics, my job as a research scientist requires using math daily, I've tutored algebra, and I was taught up to Calculus 3.

Algebra II Tutoring

I've taught Statistics, my job as a research scientist requires using math daily, I've tutored algebra, and I was taught up to Calculus 3.

AP Statistics Tutoring

I've taken graduate level quantitative methodology courses as well as teaching a course. I use statistics constantly on my job.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I've taught Statistics, my job as a research scientist requires using math daily, I've tutored algebra, and I was taught up to Calculus 3.

SAT Math Tutoring

I've taught Statistics, my job as a research scientist requires using math daily, I've tutored algebra, and I was taught up to Calculus 3.

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