Fun Facts
One unique thing about me is that I have no favorites! Anytime I'm asked I can never give an honest answer to my favorite color, song or snack because I like too many and I like to try new things all the time. I am the youngest of three and I have never left the East Coast. I enjoy playing piano whenever I happen to be in the room with one even though I've never had lessons. I have, however, had a few lessons in Spanish, which I hope to be fluent in.
About Me
I am a sophomore Engineering major at the Community College of Philadelphia. I plan to finish my Bachelor's degree at The City College of New York. When I graduate I will work as a Civil Engineer and I hope to bring knowledge of my profession into a classroom for elementary and middle school students.
In the past year I have been promoted to Head Teacher at an after-school program in Darby, PA under Episcopal Community Services. In this position I provide a one-on-one environment for elementary students to discover academic strengths/weaknesses and set goals to ultimately improve fluency and confidence in math/literacy while introducing fundamental studies of science/technology and foundational Spanish. Every day is an amazing experience helping them realize their potential.
I struggled through elementary school in most subjects, afraid to ask for help. I often turned in my work late or incomplete. However, my performance began to increase after my mother continuously encouraged me to use the resources at my school. She started me in an after-school program and there and I learned that I was not the only one who needed help and there was no reason to be afraid to ask for it. I aim to bring that message to students so that they can know success at an early age!
Request Me NowCommunity College of Philadelphia
Engineering Science
Math Tutoring
I got A's in high school algebra and pre-calculus. I received a B+ in college Pre-Calculus and Calculus I. I work with 6th grade students throughout the school year helping them complete their homework in this subject. This includes retaining elementary skills, introduction to variables, being comfortable with fractions, multiplication/division, word problems, graphing, the Order of Operations and much more.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I work with 6th grade students throughout the school year helping them complete their homework in this subject. This includes retaining elementary skills, introduction to variables and formulas, being comfortable with fractions, multiplication/division, word problems, graphing, the Order of Operations and much more. I got A's in high school algebra and pre-calculus. I received a B+ in college Pre-Calculus and Calculus I.
Study Skills Tutoring
As a college student, time management needs to be your best skill. Throughout the school year I help students learn to prioritize properly with their homework. This often results in better organization and ultimately retention.
Writing Tutoring
I was an A student in my high school Language Arts class as well as college Composition I and II. I also work with 6th grade students throughout the school year helping them complete their homework in this subject. This includes penmanship, essays/reports, summaries, creative writing(poetry or fiction) and more.
English Tutoring
I was an A student in my high school Language Arts class. I also work with elementary students throughout the school year helping them complete their homework in this subject.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I work with elementary students throughout the school year helping them complete their homework in this subject. This includes introduction to counting, adding, subtracting, borrowing/carrying, fractions, multiplication/division, long division, word problems, graphs, measuring, the Order of Operations and much more. I was a B+ student in most elementary math subjects classes. I got A's in high school algebra and pre-calculus. I received a B+ in college Pre-Calculus and Calculus I.
Science Tutoring
I was an B student in my high school Physical Science. It was a challenge that I enjoyed. My college experience is highly relatable to the sciences as I am required to spend time in the lab. I am familiar with the structure of experiments and organizing data. I finished College Chemistry I and II with a B+.
Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring
I was an A student in my college Computer Science course. l am also required to use PowerPoint to give presentations for several college classes. I introduce this tool to 6th grade students throughout the school year as a project-based learning activity.
Microsoft Word Tutoring
l am required to use Microsoft Word on a daily basis for several college classes and at work. I introduce this tool to 6th grade students throughout the school year as a project-based learning activity. I was also an A student in my college Computer Science course where we studied the latest applications of Microsoft.
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