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Fun Facts

I enjoy all sorts of things! The outdoors with plenty of long walks in the summer time, playing video games with my fiance, and cookouts with my family. I spend the majority of my free time building and tinkering with PC's however as it is a personal passion of mine.

About Me

I am a 27 year old prior 4th year medical student taking some extended leave to start a family and get married. I triple majored in Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry in college with a pre-medical focus. I then came to Washington, D.C. to begin medical school and have completed all but one semester of my rotations.


I have tutored since I was in middle school as a peer educator.I worked professionally as a tutor during college for applerouth tutoring for 2 years and was a TA and peer educator in college from freshman year until senior year. I have taught everything from intro biology courses to physical chemistry while in college and continued tutoring well into medical school during the first two pre-clinical years.


My approach varies on what the student requires. Some students want to make major changes in short periods of time which require a more focused approach and a more hands on methodology for quick significant gains. For students with more time on their hands and a more difficult time grasping material less hand-holding is required and a more directed approach can be used to guide students in the right direction.

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Berry College

Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry

Howard University

M.D. in progress

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