Fun Facts
If I could be surfing every day, 365 days of year, I would be! I absolutely love being outdoors and spending lots at parking learning new sports and athletics. I'm very friendly and enjoy making people feel welcome and loved!
About Me
I am currently a sophomore at Clovis Community College, studying kinesiology. I made the Dean's List last semester and earned Valedictorian in high school. I hope to become a Physical Therapist and work mainly with athletes.
All throughout high school and college, I have enjoyed helping out my fellow classmates as well as younger peers with their class work. I have been hired as a tutor by many families and I love connecting with students, helping them achieve their highest potential.
In high school, I earned all A's every semester and helped my fellow classmates every chance I could. As an upperclassman and in college, I have tutored many students in a variety of subjects. I have such a passion for helping my peers and everyone I can!
Growing up and all through my school years, I have developed awesome studying skills and learning skills. These abilities have allowed me to excel in school beyond expectations. I hope to share and teach these skills with every student that would like to be successful in school as well as life.
Request Me NowCalifornia State University Fresno
Kinesiology Tutoring
Intro to Kinesiology: A,
Anatomy and Physiology: A
Kinesiology ROP Class: A for both semesters.
Algebra Tutoring
I took Algebra in high school and middle school. I passed with A's for all four semesters. Math comes easily to me, I'm a numbers girl.
Algebra II Tutoring
I took Algebra II in high school. I passed with A's for both semesters. I was also in the honors Algebra II class.
Anatomy Physiology I Tutoring
I took Anatomy and Physiology in high school. I also took a Kinesiology ROP program, which went more in depth. I earned A's all four semesters in those classes.
Biology Tutoring
I have taken 3 biology classes in my career. I earned all A's in all six semesters. I have a solid understanding of biology and all the subtopics involved.
Chemistry Tutoring
In chemistry class, I earned an A for both semesters. My teacher also asked me to do some tutoring for the second semester. I helped out 6-7 other students in my class with chemistry.
English Tutoring
I have taken 8 English classes in all my schooling career. Every semester I received an A. I have a general understanding of writing English and grammar.
Geography Tutoring
I took geography in highscool and received an A.
Geometry Tutoring
In high school, I was selected to be in Honors Geometry. I passed with high A's both semesters. I also tutored my fellow classmates.
History Tutoring
During my schooling, I've taken 4 history classes. I've earned all A's in each semester and class.
Homework Coach Tutoring
Eating all A's isn't an easy task. Motivation and dedication are key! I can help your student learn awesome homework skills and tips to completing homework in a timely manner.
Math Tutoring
All throughout high school, I was in honors math classes. Each class, I received an A in all the semesters.
Math Advance Tutoring
All throughout high school, I was in honors math classes. Each class, I received an A in all the semesters.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
In 7th grade, I tested into an advanced pre algebra class. In both semesters, I received high A's.
Science Tutoring
I have a passion for science. In all my science classes I've ever taken, I've always received A's.
Spanish I Tutoring
In high school, I took Spanish 1 and received an A for both semesters. I am also taking Spanish 1 in college. I'll be learning right along with your student.
Spanish II Tutoring
After Spanish 1, I moved on to Spanish 2. For both semesters, I earned high A's. I also gained a good understanding of how to speak and write Spanish.
Spanish III Tutoring
At my high school, Spanish 3 was a vigorous course. I received A's for both semesters. My teacher also asked me to tutor multiple of my fellow classmates.
Statistics Tutoring
I have taken statistics in high school and college. For all 4 semesters, I received high A's. My previous college also wanted to employ me as a tutor for statistics students.
Study Skills Tutoring
As a student who has received all A's during my schooling career, I have picked up and learn led many effective studying skills. I would love to share these with your students.
Trigonometry Tutoring
I high school, I was in an advanced trig. class. During this class, I received A's for both semesters.
Middle School Math Tutoring
During middle school, high school, and college, I have taken math every semester. In each of those many semesters, I have received all A's in each.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
During all my middle school, high school, and college English classes, I have picked up many reading skills. I have also received all A's in each of those classes.
Spanish Tutoring
In my 3 years of Spanish during high school, I gained a good understanding of how to read, write, and speak Spanish. I earned all A's in each of my 6 semesters.
Elementary Math Tutoring
During middle school, high school, and college, I have taken math every semester. In each of those many semesters, I have received all A's in each.
Social Studies Tutoring
During my schooling, I've taken 4 history classes. I've earned all A's in each semester and class.
Writing Tutoring
During all my middle school, high school, and college English classes, I have picked up many writing skills and learned what professors are looking for in a solid essay. I have also received all A's in each of those classes.
General Music Tutoring
I have a great understanding of notes and music theory. I took choir and piano class in high school. In all 4 semesters, I earned A's.
Piano Tutoring
I have taken 2 years of piano lessons. I have also continued to teach myself for multiple years. I have a solid knowledge of keys, notes, and how to play and teach.
Microsoft Excel Tutoring
In all my schooling career, I have used Excel. My mothers is also a computer tech teacher and has taught me. I use Excel in my everyday studies.
Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring
In all my schooling career, I have used Microsoft PowerPoint. My mothers is also a computer tech teacher and has taught me. I use Excel in my everyday studies and for many of my projects.
Microsoft Word Tutoring
In all my schooling career, I have used Microsoft Word. My mothers is also a computer tech teacher and has taught me. I use Word for all my schoolwork and projects.
Conversational Spanish Tutoring
In my 3 years of Spanish during high school, I gained a good understanding of how to read, write, and speak Spanish. I earned all A's in each of my 6 semesters.
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