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Fun Facts

I love being outdoors. I love to backpack, bike and other things. I have four brothers so I am pretty competitive in everything I do.

About Me

I have an undergraduate degree in pure mathematics. I have completed three semester of graduate school while I was also on staff in the math department at Georgia State University. I have tutored at tutoring center and privately. I have also taught one year of high school math so I know what teachers like and can work with them. I am an easy going guy who loves to explore new places and I always have a smile on my face, except in this picture.


I have about four years tutoring experience. I have tutored privately, with a tutoring company as well as part of the math department at Georgia State University. I also have taught a year of high school math.


I have a very mathematical mind. I love to explain concepts in multiple ways. I believe a lot math is a tool used to get people to think logically and should be approached in that way.

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Pensacola Christian College


Georgia State University


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College Algebra Tutoring

I never took algebra in college because I tested into calculus but in graduate school I worked in the math department at Georgia State University and one of the classes I taught/tutored was College Algebra.

Math Tutoring

I have an undergraduate degree in mathematics and three semesters graduate school in mathematics complete. I have take 40+ credit hours in mathematics and averaged a 3.85 for math classes.

Trigonometry Tutoring

I never took trigonometry in college because I tested into calculus but in graduate school I worked in the math department at Georgia State University and one of the classes I taught/tutored was Precalculus.

Algebra Tutoring

I have tutored several kids in Algebra and brought several failing grades up to B's.

Algebra II Tutoring

I have tutored many students in Algebra 2 both privately and at a tutoring center I worked at.

Calculus Tutoring

I have tutored several students in Calculus at the tutoring center I worked at.

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