Fun Facts
I only became interested in math, physics, and computer programming after learning how to use them to solve practical problems. I also recently became a father. Currently my free time is dominated by academic research and work on a related mathematical model, and by spending time with my family.
About Me
I was recently granted a B.S. in environmental engineering from Drexel University and graduated magna cum laude with a cumulative G.P.A. over 3.8 / 4.0. The degree included 1.5 years of professional Co-Op experience. I am still looking for an entry level career opportunity compatible with my goals, needs, and skills.
I worked as a peer philadelphia">tutor in the Montgomery County Community College learning assistance lab for 1.5 years, primarily philadelphia">tutoring mathematics, but also classical physics, introductory computer programming, and some introductory chemistry. I am also a competent writer.
After transferring to Drexel I used many of the fundamental skills I had previously tutored in m y coursework, collaborated often on group projects, and worked as a peer note taker for disabled students; all these activities helped me practice many of the same skills I developed as a peer philadelphia">tutor.
With practice, I believe anyone can improve themselves. The philadelphia">tutor’s goal is then to streamline the studying process, provide inspiration, and to help the student maintain the required discipline. There is often some overlap in how these goals are achieved. Streamlining is achieved by developing a practical strategy and by virtue of the philadelphia">tutor’s proficiency in a subject which may be unfamiliar to the student. Inspiration may be achieved by a discussion of the practical rewards of academic achievement. And discipline is improved by having firmly scheduled study times and by the focus that comes with a professional work environment.