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Fun Facts

On my free time, I love to listen to podcasts and write. I am also interested in personal styling and interior design.

About Me

I am a recent graduate of Vassar college. I majored in biochemistry and conducted independent research for two and a half years. I am currently in Pharmacy school and a Doctor of Pharmacy candidate.


I have been a private tutor for six years now. During my undergraduate career, I had the honor of tutoring for the same families all four years. There was an emphasis on Mathematical topics. I have tutored science related topics through the learning center at my undergraduate college.


I am a very caring, loving, patient, and kind individual.My promise is to make learning and mastery of fundamentals not only as informative as possible but also fun. My job is to aid the student to reach his or her fullest potential by instilling great confidence. I am skilled in explaining things in simplest form in order to ensure full understanding. Practice makes perfect, therefore I work hard in making sure material is mastered through frequent practice.

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Vassar College


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Algebra Tutoring

Algebra is personally my favorite subject. I enjoy teaching it and do it very well because I am able to make difficult concepts much more easy.

Algebra II Tutoring

Algebra is personally my favorite subject in mathematics. I enjoy teaching it and do it very well because I am able to make difficult concepts much more easy.

AP Chemistry Tutoring

I took AP chemistry in high school and went on to take a host of chemistry courses in college as I majored in Biochemistry and now I am in Pharmacy school.

Biology AP Tutoring

I took AP biology in high school and went on to take a host of biology courses in college as I majored in biochemistry and now I am in Pharmacy school.

Calculus Tutoring

Math comes very easily to me. I have taken this course at a high school and college level. I enjoy teaching it and I can very simply explain complex material.

Chemistry Tutoring

I took AP chemistry in high school and went on to take a host of chemistry courses in college as I majored in Biochemistry and now I am in Pharmacy school.

Math Advance Tutoring

Math comes very easily to me. I have taken different math course at a high school and college level. I enjoy teaching it and I can very simply explain complex material.

Physics Tutoring

Math comes very easily to me. I have taken this course at a high school and college level. I enjoy teaching it and I can very simply explain complex material.

Biology Tutoring

I took AP biology in high school and went on to take a host of biology courses in college as I majored in biochemistry and now I am in Pharmacy school.

Math Tutoring

Personally, mathematics is my favorite subject. I enjoy teaching it and do it very well because I am able to make difficult concepts much more easy.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Personally, mathematics is my favorite subject. I enjoy teaching it and do it very well because I am able to make difficult concepts much more easy.

Science Tutoring

I attended a magnet high school centered about science. In college I majored in biochemistry and I am now pursuing a field of science in graduate school. I have been surrounded by science most of my life.

Elementary Math Tutoring

Personally, mathematics is my favorite subject. I enjoy teaching it and do it very well because I am able to make difficult concepts much more easy.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Reading comprehension is a skill that it best developed through practice. I am skilled at enforcing concentration and an ease at understanding passages. I make reading fun and enjoyable.

ACT Math Tutoring

Math comes very easily to me. I have taken different math course at a high school and college level. I enjoy teaching it and I can very simply explain complex material. I did well on the ACTs as it strictly tests your knowledge on the subject matter. The subject matters can be mastered.

ACT Reading Tutoring

Reading comprehension is a skill that it best developed through practice. I am skilled at enforcing concentration and an ease at understanding passages. I make reading fun and enjoyable.

ACT Science Tutoring

I took AP chemistry and biology in high school and went on to take a host of chemistry courses in college as I majored in Biochemistry and now I am in Pharmacy school. I did well on the ACTs as it strictly tests your knowledge on the subject matter. The subject matters can be mastered.

PCAT Tutoring

There are resources for the PCAT that makes the subject matter very easy to understand. My percentile scores in each section were all above 75%.

SAT Math Tutoring

Math comes very easily to me. I have taken different math course at a high school and college level. I enjoy teaching it and I can very simply explain complex material. I did well on the SATs as it tests your ability to use a specific type go logic in your thinking. The train of thought can be mastered.

Writing Tutoring

There are rules to writing that have to be taught in order to lay a good foundation for the student. Once this foundation is played, it becomes dependent on practice. Practice would be reinforced by me.

MCAT Tutoring

There are resources for the MCAT that makes the subject matter very easy to understand. It is all about pacing your time.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

Microsoft office has been an essential tool in my academic career for the past 11 years. I have and can use it for the broadest range of things. From typing a paragraph, to sorting out 100 datasets to compiling a 200 slide powerpoint.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

Microsoft office has been an essential tool in my academic career for the past 11 years. I have and can use it for the broadest range of things. From typing a paragraph, to sorting out 100 datasets to compiling a 200 slide powerpoint.

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