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Sally S.
elementary math & language arts tutor 
University of the Pacific

Fun Facts

I like like swimming, cooking, pictures of nature, 80's music, discussing education especially in low income areas. I especially liked doing private tutoring with that population. I also try to do some type of physical activity at least once a day. I consider myself to be very detailed. Every day I make sure to enter notes for myself on student behaviors so I can sense a pattern. I hope for the opportunity to get some type of student management training to be able to work with students in large

About Me

I have been doing private tutoring in math and english in grades k-6 for 8 years and have really enjoyed it. Several people have told me that I was doing really good tutoring their kids. Additionally, I have an MPH. Tutoring in low-income areas for 8 years has given me first hand experience in seeing the health issues in low-income populations. I would like to get some training to be able to eventually handle large groups of students. I would like to start with small group training first.


I have been doing private math and english tutoring for 8 years in low-income areas. Many parents have told me I was doing a good job. I saw myself as being very good at it. I was very detailed creating my lesson plans, making personal notes on students, and even went out of my way once to get some help for a kindergartner who wasn't learning.


I like to plan my own lessons based on grade level competencies. I also like combining concepts such as picking even numbers then adding them. Additionally, I use plenty of high fives as encouragement. Another thing I do is write down concepts step by step if the student is struggling to learn the material. I also like to make it fun using games with the younger set as well as relevant examples.

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University of the Pacific


University of South Carolina

public health

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French I Tutoring

I took all 4 years of french in high school and two years at the college level and won the french award in high school

English Tutoring

I enjoyed reading all of the famous stories in high school such as Gatsby, Grapes of Wrath and remember the main ideas behind them. As a matter of fact, English was one of my favorite subjects in high school. To this day, I still search these stories online because of genuine interest.

French Tutoring

I took all 4 years of French in high school and considered myself very good at it. I still remember basic words, conjugations, and won the French award in high school.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I enjoy reading and have tutored it at the upper elementary level for 8 years. Some methods I used were basic question answering, story elements, character analysis, asking students to summarize.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I have been tutoring elementary students grades k-6 for 8 years which included homework completion. In addition to finishing the homework, I get them to create a separate folder for each subject and show me where they will put it as well as any story books they're reading, at the end of each session. This has made them successful in not losing it.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have been tutoring elementary math for 8 years. This includes basic operations, number comparison, basic problem solving. Many times I combine concepts as a way of reinforcing concepts such as name to even numbers then add them. I start off the concepts with basic scenarios involving pictures for younger kids then go into detail on the steps.

Study Skills Tutoring

helped students organize work into folders and find places to put them so they know where to find them with success

Writing Tutoring

I am constantly asking questions to get them to write more things. Additionally, I assist with sentence structure telling them to reword it so they are not stating the obvious Additionally, I have them rewrite the word if it's not written neatly. Sometimes, I use letter sounds to see if they can figure out the letter based on the sound. I also encourage them to use catchy titles and introductions as a way of attracting the readers.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I have been using MS Word for basic operations for 16+ years. This includes basic notes, document editing, basic letters. Additionally, I have used it to create tables for formal reports during graduate school. I have also used it to create templates for birthday cards and reward systems for students.

Study Skills Tutoring

I emphasize putting different subjects in different binders and labeling them. I also have them write down the date and what needs to be done on that date and save it in a folder with the relevant work so they don't forget. When session is done, I have them show me where they will put away relevant material for the next session.

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