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Fun Facts

I'm passionate about learning. I'm 30 years old but I still love to learn new things. Once a student, you are always a student. I'm outdoorsy, hiking, snowboarding, playing soccer, instruments, and I do some backyard astronomy in my free time.

About Me

I am a graduate from Tacoma Community College and from ITT technical Institute as well. I know what it's like to be a full-time student and how overwhelming it can feel at times. But thanks to some good tutors and teachers I got through those tough times. Sometimes I feel I should pass it on which is why I want to tutor today.


Throughout my student career and proffessional I've tutored. At TCC I tutored the introductory series of calculus, physics, and chemistry. I also have tutored family and friends on the side when the opportunity arises. Recently I was living in PerĂº where I taught english mostly but sometimes math in spanish, which was a challenge at first. But because math is a universal language I succeeded.


Find common ground. Find anything that interests the student and work from there. Math is especially easy to do this with because math is just numbers. Abstract ones at that. And until you assign or designate a value to those numbers they are meaningless. So, I find a way to make those numbers feel alive and then studying them becomes more fun.

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AS focus in engineering

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