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River G.
Experienced Math and Science Tutor 
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Test Prep

Fun Facts

I was very athletic in high school and involved in clubs throughout college. I was the treasurer of Astronomy Club for Arapahoe Community College, and I am the founder and president of Astronomy Club at UCCS. I am passionate about all things physics, and I am most interested in astrophysics.

About Me

I am a physics major at UCCS and I hope to become a theoretical astrophysicist. I am currently working towards achieving paid internships with NASA, and I am doing unpaid research for Micro G Next. I love astronomy and hope to become a theoretical astrophysicist. Currently a junior in College, I am aspiring to achieve my doctorate someday.


I have springs">tutoring experience from Arapahoe Community College and in High School, I would counselor a science camp. I have tutored one of my friends who was failing college algebra who ended up finishing with a B. Working for Frog springs">Tutor will give me a chance to reach out to more students and help those who want to learn to reach their full potential.


I am fortunate enough to of had good teachers and now great professors throughout my learning experience. There is value in asking for help, and it is good to seek out a better understanding of subjects you are struggling in. I want to be there to answer all of your questions and personally see to it that you understand the concepts being taught.

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University of Colorado, Colorado Springs


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