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Shaden H.
Experienced Arabic language  
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Music Lessons
Language Lessons

Fun Facts

One passion people quickly learn about me is that I LOVE music , any kind of music , funny thing that im known with eating Chocolate and nevet got fat , i very good with , i can teach yoi how to eat choco and stay healthy for free ! Lol

About Me

Im a third year student in Biomedical engineering .
I studied two yeard in my lovely country Jordan , and im continuing my study here .


I used to teach American people in Jordan Arabic reading as well as arabic voice music .


I used to have a positive teachers in school and they used to encourage me so much,and sure I found learning exciting even it was hard and challenging some times. I learned a lot in my school levels .During my university years, studying was more self studying and depending on my self to get learned and use different resources .

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Hashimate university

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Arabic Tutoring


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