Fun Facts
I went to Bangladesh when I was 23; I spent 8 of 14 years since then there, and I continue to be deeply affected by my experiences there. I am an anthropologist by training, but a writer by aspiration; to be a writer is to make of my own narrow experience something shareable, potentially to everyone: I continue to hope that is true, and for myself in particular. I have two children, and they teach me more than I teach them.
About Me
I am an anthropologist and a teacher of anthropology and social science in general. I hope to be a professor of anthropology, and to write ethnographic monographs which speak about everyday life and nevertheless convey the deepest of human truths.
I was a teacher's assistant in elementary schools in Redlands, California as a Junior in college; then I tutored a middle school student in math and English. I spent two years teaching English and developing English language curriculum in provincial Bangladesh; when I returned to NYC I taught middle and elementary school for a year in upper Manhattan and the Bronx, then I entered graduate school. Since then I have been teaching social science to college students at the chicago">University of Chicago.
I take my cues from the student; comparative experience helps. But each student, if you listen, will tell you how they need to learn. Listening is key. There is a ritual aspect to learning: I teach using an identical format even when I change the content; in that, students are set at ease. Introduce slowly, reinforce often, and always answer questions which are posed, no matter how tangential: these are my guiding mantras.
Request Me NowUniversity of Redlands
University of Chicago
MastersUniversity of Chicago
PhdGraduate Level Writing Tutoring
After 15 years of graduate level education and teaching I am exceptionally qualified to teach graduate level writing.
International Studies Tutoring
I have four years experience as a Preceptor and Head Preceptor--guiding other Preceptors--in the International Studies Program at the University of Chicago.
Literature Tutoring
I am exceptionally well read in English and Bengal literature.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
In my earlier experience teaching elementary school students in California, NYC, and in Bangladesh, I focused in particular on reading comprehension.
Writing Tutoring
As a long-time writer myself, and in particular through my work in graduate school, I am very well qualified to teach concrete writing strategies, and to evaluate the writing of young and budding writers.
Writing Advance Tutoring
Same as writing in general, but more advanced.
AP English Tutoring
I am particularly well qualified to teaching English at all levels.
English Tutoring
Same as AP
History Tutoring
Given my long-term graduate studies in social science, I am well qualified to teach history.
Psychology Tutoring
Psychoanalysis is key to my views on anthropology; I have years of experience with psychoanalysis, and I am qualified in teaching classic texts of Freud and others in psychoanalysis.
Arts Tutoring
My involvement with writing and the arts.
Social Studies Tutoring
My graduate study of social science; my background in history and anthropology, and my experience teaching at the elementary level.
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