Fun Facts
I was so fat in high school, I was at risk of high cholesterol and blood pressure. One day I picked up a soccer ball and started playing, lost all the weight in college and started doing CrossFit as well. I’ve been a workout junkie since then.
About Me
I graduated from Drexel University Philadelphia in 2013 with a BsC in chemical engineering. Drexel is a quarter type school system with shorter semesters, and a more rapid style of teaching. I’m not sure how I survived but here I am. I currently work in a consulting firm in Pasadena TX. My role as a project engineer is to create asset strategies and reliability programs for high end clients like BP, Monroe, Chevron etc.
I have tutored in Houston for about a year now. My previous experience involved reviewing college essays for prospective freshmen in Nigeria. Now I tutor all math subjects from high school to college level. I hope frog tutoring can further expand my network with customers and diversify my teaching style.
My approach to being a good tutor is to establish trust and build confidence. I love math, the formulas and derivatives often times just roll of the tongue for me, thereby leaving the client flustered and frustrated. But I am always willing to repeat myself over and over. My first ever client was a young lady in Florida, hence sessions were online. At times she felt embarrassed about not knowing the material, constantly putting herself down. In the end she passed her final exam .
Request Me NowDrexel University
Chemical Engineering
Calculus I Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
Calculus 2 Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
Chemistry I Tutoring
A and A- in chemistry in drexel.
Currently Tutoring a client in high school chemistry
College Algebra Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
French Tutoring
I've visited France, attended summer school, got all A's in high school and college. I can help clients with Basic french , vocabulary and tenses
Algebra Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra 2
Algebra II Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
AP Physics Tutoring
No experience tutoring physics but A and A- in college physics. please see transcript
Calculus Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
Calculus AP Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
ISEE Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
Math Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
Physics Tutoring
No experience tutoring physics but A and A- in college physics. please see transcript
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
Pre Calculus Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
Math Advance Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Microsoft Excel Tutoring
I have been using Excel for the past 7 years , in school and work
Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring
I have been using Powerpoint for the past 7 years for projects and school assignments
Microsoft Word Tutoring
I use this everyday at work. For writing papers, updating procedures and formalizing training documents.
Geometry Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
SAT Math Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
Two clients in the past 3 months in calculus and algebra
ACT Math Tutoring
I have experience tutoring this subject
All A's in college and high school math
TOEFL Tutoring
110/120 in 2008 TOEFL
Request Me Now