Fun Facts
One of my favorite hobbies is reading and writing, which I find ironic considering I didn't like ELA much in school. I am an avid book collector. I love space videos and anything astrology.
About Me
I recently graduated magna cum laude at St. John's University, earning a bachelor of science in physics. and achieving honors. From there, I had the opportunity to teach middle school math at a charter school, which allowed me to gain many new skills beneficial to student preparedness.
As a student, I frequently helped my classmates with concepts they didn't fully comprehend. While in high school, I often helped my peers in many subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Algebra, Geometry, and Physics. After college, I work a few months in a charter school where I taught primarily 6th-grade math as well as offered math help to students in other grades within the school.
During my time in school, I usually had a good understanding of the material taught to me, however, there were times when I struggled, which frustrated me and caused me to feel unmotivated. Because I was so used to grasping everything immediately, I was never one to ask for help, but after some time working in education I realize that not asking for assistance hinders growth.
Request Me NowSt. John’s University
Algebra Tutoring
I have taken this course and I have gotten very good grades. During the time I took this course, I would frequently help my peers if they did not understand something. I got high grades on exams and I got above 90 on the regents.
Homework Coach Tutoring
Homework is something many people do not want to do. It could be very draining having to go to school for several hours then having to do more hours of work. I feel that homework would get done a lot more quickly if there is someone there to help.
Math Tutoring
Math is a very difficult topic for many people while other people understand it fully. I do not understand everything math related, but math is one of my best subjects. I have always excelled in math; math was always my highest grade on my report cards.
Study Skills Tutoring
I used to have very bad study skills: I never studied at all. For me, some of the things I learned were easy so I did not feel the need to study. But when it came to the more challenging topics, I did the same thing because I was so used to not studying. Sometimes it worked in my favor, other times it did not. Now I know how important it is to study and I feel I can pass on my new found knowledge to others.
Middle School Math Tutoring
When I was in middle school, I didn't really struggle with math. I found that my friends and my classmates would frequently ask me for help if they did not understand something. I always helped anyone who needed it and I was able to explain the material in a simple manner.
Geometry Tutoring
Geometry is one of my favorite math topics. I have done well while taking it in high school. I got a 97 on the regents, the highest I have gotten on any of my regents.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I believe I am good at math, I have gotten good grades in math throughout my time in elementary school. I am patient and I am able to explain topics in a simple way that is easy to follow.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I know many concepts of pre-algebra. I have taken and excelled in this subject.
Pre Calculus Tutoring
I have taken this course and I have done fairly well. I have gotten above average scores on all of my exams for this course.
Science Tutoring
Science in middle school was not hard for me. I know science can be difficult for many and I feel that I would be able to make science a little less difficult.
Regents Tutoring
I have done fairly well on all of my regents. I have gotten above 90 on all but two of them.
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