Fun Facts
I am a poet, singer, actress, model, and work behind the scenes of various film and television productions. I enjoy drawing and reading books in my spare time. Someday, I would like to become a vegan connoisseur, own my own museum, a professor at Lincoln University, and a humanitarian.
About Me
I am currently a first year graduate student in the Africology and African American Studies Department at Temple University. I've been on the honor roll, Dean's list, Whose Who among Who, and graduated Cum Laude throughout my academic career. My ultimate goal is to become a professor at both Lincoln University and Temple University.
I am currently a Substitute teacher and I enjoy being able to help my students in all subjects areas that they need help in. Previously, I was a tutor for the Black Student Achievement Program in High School and I absolutely enjoyed making a big difference through being a tutor. I hope working for Frog Tutoring gives me the opportunity to utilize my skill set and grow with each of my students.
Acknowledge, Assimilate, and Assure are the three key components in addressing any issue. In life we must acknowledge our short comings in order to fix the issue or concern. Assimilate is understanding others have been in the same predicament and that you are not alone. The final step is to Assure that everything will be alright and that there is a vast variety of solutions that can solve the problem. Perception is key in unlocking the hidden potential and success we all have inside of us.
Request Me NowLincoln University
Temple University
Africology and African American Studies
MastersSociology Tutoring
Introduction to Sociology: I received an A in this course. Sociology and Anthropology are incredibly similar and differ with methodology in regards to studying the phenomena.
Study Skills Tutoring
I've never taken any courses in regards to studying. I've always been on the Honor roll, Dean's list, and I am apart of two Honor societies. I believe I harness the skills to tutor a student in this field.
Algebra Tutoring
In college I have taken Math for Liberal Arts and received a B in the course. Math is in everything that we do in life, in regards to Anthropology there are some instances where basic math must be applied. I've tutored students in the past in regards to Algebra and it was an awesome experience.
Government Tutoring
I have taken Political Anthropology in West African Society and received an A-. This ties into Anthropology because politics play an immense role in regards to the culture of that given society. I have never tutored anyone in this subject, but I believe I have the knowledge to tutor a student in this subject.
History Tutoring
I have taken these courses in regards to History: Jazz in American Culture, Black People in the 20th Century, Contemporary World History I , History of Africa to 1885, History of Black People in the United States I , and Ethnography of West Africa. In all of the courses I received an A. All of them deal with the history of a given group of people and in which deals with Anthropology in regards to focusing on how these groups interact with the world around them. I've never tutored anyone in History, but I believe I have the knowledge to tutor any student in History.
Homework Coach Tutoring
I've never taken any courses in regards to studying. I've always been on the Honor roll, Dean's list, and I am apart of two Honor societies. I believe I harness the skills to tutor a student in this field.
Math Tutoring
In college I have taken Math for Liberal Arts and received a B in the course. Math is in everything that we do in life, in regards to Anthropology there are some instances where basic math must be applied. I've tutored students in the past in Math and it was an awesome experience.
Elementary Math Tutoring
In college I have taken Math for Liberal Arts and received a B in the course. Math is in everything that we do in life, in regards to Anthropology there are some instances where basic math must be applied. I've tutored students in the past in Math and it was an awesome experience.
Social Studies Tutoring
I have taken these courses in regards to History: Jazz in American Culture, Black People in the 20th Century, Contemporary World History I , History of Africa to 1885, History of Black People in the United States I , and Ethnography of West Africa. In all of the courses I received an A. All of them deal with the history of a given group of people and in which deals with Anthropology in regards to focusing on how these groups interact with the world around them. I've never tutored anyone in Social Studies, but I believe I have the knowledge to tutor any student in Social Studies.
General Music Tutoring
I have taken Jazz in American Culture, Introduction to Music, Music Fundamentals, Piano II and III, Music Theory I and II, and Voice Pedagogy . In the first six subjects I received an A and for the others I received a B. Music plays an important role in culture which is an important aspect in Anthropology. I never tutored anyone in Music, but I have the knowledge to tutor any student in Music.
Music History Tutoring
I have taken Jazz in American Culture, Introduction to Music, and Music Theory I and II. In the first three subjects I received an A and for Music Theory II I received a B. Music plays an important role in culture which is an important aspect in Anthropology. I never tutored anyone in Music History, but I have the knowledge to tutor any student in Music History.
ESL Tutoring
I've never taken any courses in regards to English Second Language. I am fluent in American English and have been speaking it for over 20 years. I feel confident in teaching American English to any student.
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