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Fun Facts

I have many hobbies including hiking, camping, traveling, going to concerts, going to Laker games and playing guitar.

About Me

I earned my B.A. in History from UCSB in 2011 and my Master's in Taxation from CSUF in 2015.

My ultimate goal in to continue to grow my passive investments and income to the point where I can live off and that income stream and travel more frequently.


I have worked for two public accounting firms and a securities broker-dealer.

In each of my roles I had to be taught new concepts and teach new concepts. Learning and teaching are always a part of life for those that seek to grow.


I think that everyone has the ability to learn any concept and the nothing is ever impossible to learn.

My approach is a custom approach that is different for every student. However the main tools that I will use to help foster learning are: always being patient, listening to students needs, and communicating the content as clearly as possible.

I want learning to be fun and for the students to achieve great success and am confident that both can be achieved.

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University of California--Santa Barbara


California State University--Fullerton


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Business Tutoring

1. ESS 130 - Sports Administration: UCSB Grade: B
2. PSTAT 5E - Business Statistics: UCSB. Grade: B
3. BUAD 501 - Managerial Communication Grade: A-
4. ISDS 265 - Info Systems: CSUF Grade: A
5. MGMT 515 - Mgmt Info Systems: CSUF Grade: A
6. MGMT 518 -Business Law: CSUF Grade: A

As you can see, my grades improved significantly from my Undergraduate to my Master's. This is because I learned the methods that are necessary to obtain good grades in Business courses. I am confident that these methods can be used by others to achieve success in similar courses.

Additionally, I have worked for a variety of businesses during my professional career so I can provide valuable insight, guidance and knowledge from my real-life business experience.

History Tutoring

1. HIST 2A World History (0 - 1000 CE) Grade: A+
2. HIST 2B World History (1000-1700 CE) Grade: B+
3. HIST 2C World History (1700 CE- Present) Grade: B+
4. HIST 4C Western Civilization Grade: B+
5. HIST 8 Latin America Grade: A-
6. HIST 80 East Asian Civilization Grade: B+
7. HIST 106B Scientific Revolution Grade:: A-
8. HIST 111A History of Greece Grade: A-
9. HIST 168B History of Chicano Grade: A-
10. HIST Direct Reading History of Greece Grade: A-

These are my 10 best grades from my History Major Classes at UCSB. I have achieved academic success multiple times in this subject area. I am confident that I can teach others the skills and techniques that are necessary to produce this consistent type of success.

History Advance Tutoring

1. HIST 106B Scientific Revolution Grade:: A-
2. HIST 111A History of Greece Grade: A-
3. HIST 115 Fall of Rome Birth of Europe Grade: B
4. HIST 168B History of Chicano Grade: A-
5. HIST 177 California History Grade: B
6. HIST Direct Reading History of Greece Grade: A-

These are my 6 best grades from my History Major Upper Division Classes at UCSB. I have achieved academic success multiple times in this subject area. I am confident that I can teach others the skills and techniques that are necessary to produce this consistent type of success.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

1. ACCT 308 Federal Income Taxation Grade: A-
2. ACCT 510 Financial Accounting Grade: A-
3. ACCT 574 International Taxation Grade: A+
4. Acct 578 Partnership Taxation Grade: A
5. BUAD 501 Managerial Communication Grade: A-
6. HIST 2A World History (0 - 1000 CE) Grade: A+
7. HIST 8 Latin America Grade: A-
8. Hist 106B Scientific Revolution Grade:: A-
9. HIST 111A History of Greece Grade: A-
10. HIST 168B History of Chicano Grade: A-
11. HIST Direct Reading History of Greece Grade: A-
12. ISDS 265 Information Systems/ Application Grade: A
13. MGMT 515 Information Systems Grade: A
14. MGMT 518 Legal Environment of Business Grade: A

These are my best grades from my History Major and Master's of Taxation classes. All of these classes require a very high level of ability in reading comprehension. I am confident that I can teach others the skills and techniques that are necessary to produce this consistent type of success.

Study Skills Tutoring

1. ACCT 308 Federal Income Taxation Grade: A-
2. ACCT 510 Financial Accounting Grade: A-
3. ACCT 574 International Taxation Grade: A+
4. ACCT 578 Partnership Taxation Grade: A
5. BUAD 501 Managerial Communication Grade: A-
6. HIST 2A World History (0 - 1000 CE) Grade: A+
7. HIST 8 Latin America Grade: A-
8. HIST 106B Scientific Revolution Grade:: A-
9. HIST 111A History of Greece Grade: A-
10. HIST 168B History of Chicano Grade: A-
11. HIST Direct Reading History of Greece Grade: A-
12. ISDS 265 Information Systems/ Application Grade: A
13. MGMT 515 Information Systems Grade: A
14. MGMT 518 Legal Environment of Business Grade: A

These are my best grades from my History Major and Master's of Taxation classes. All of these classes require a very high level of ability in study skills. I am confident that I can teach others the skills and techniques that are necessary to produce this consistent type of success.

Writing Tutoring

1. ACCT 308 Federal Income Taxation Grade: A-
2. ACCT 574 International Taxation Grade: A+
3. ACCT 578 Partnership Taxation Grade: A
4. BUAD 501 Managerial Communication Grade: A-
5. HIST 2A World History (0 - 1000 CE) Grade: A+
6. HIST 8 Latin America Grade: A-
7. HIST 106B Scientific Revolution Grade:: A-
8. HIST 111A History of Greece Grade: A-
9. HIST 168B History of Chicano Grade: A-
10. HIST Direct Reading History of Greece Grade: A-
11. MGMT 515 Information Systems Grade: A
12. MGMT 518 Legal Environment of Business Grade: A

These are some of my best grades from my History Major and Master's of Taxation classes. All of these classes require a very high level of ability in writing. I am confident that I can teach others the skills and techniques that are necessary to produce this consistent type of success.

Writing Advance Tutoring

1. ACCT 308 Federal Income Taxation Grade: A-
2. ACCT 574 International Taxation Grade: A+
3. ACCT 578 Partnership Taxation Grade: A
4. BUAD 501 Managerial Communication Grade: A-
5. HIST 2A World History (0 - 1000 CE) Grade: A+
6. HIST 8 Latin America Grade: A-
7. HIST 106B Scientific Revolution Grade:: A-
8. HIST 111A History of Greece Grade: A-
9. HIST 168B History of Chicano Grade: A-
10. HIST Direct Reading History of Greece Grade: A-
11. MGMT 515 Information Systems Grade: A
12. MGMT 518 Legal Environment of Business Grade: A

These are some of my best grades from my History Major and Master's of Taxation classes. All of these classes require a very high level of ability in writing. I am confident that I can teach others the skills and techniques that are necessary to produce this consistent type of success.

Homework Coach Tutoring

1. ACCT 308 Federal Income Taxation Grade: A-
2. ACCT 510 Financial Accounting Grade: A-
3. ACCT 574 International Taxation Grade: A+
4. ACCT 578 Partnership Taxation Grade: A
5. BUAD 501 Managerial Communication Grade: A-
6. HIST 2A World History (0 - 1000 CE) Grade: A+
7. HIST 8 Latin America Grade: A-
8. HIST 106B Scientific Revolution Grade:: A-
9. HIST 111A History of Greece Grade: A-
10. HIST 168B History of Chicano Grade: A-
11. HIST Direct Reading History of Greece Grade: A-
12. ISDS 265 Information Systems/ Application Grade: A
13. MGMT 515 Information Systems Grade: A
14. MGMT 518 Legal Environment of Business Grade: A

These are my best grades from my History Major and Master's of Taxation classes. Most of these classes required some form of take home work. I am confident that I can teach others the skills and techniques that are necessary to produce this consistent type of success.

Series 63 Tutoring

I have taken and passed the Series 63 exam. There are some useful tricks and strategies that I used during my preparation that I believe can definitely help others during their prep process.

Accounting Tutoring

1. ACCT 301B Intermediate Accounting Grade: B-
2. ACCT 307 Information Systems Accounting Grade: B
3. ACCT 470 Tax Research Grade: B
4. ACCT 308 Federal Income Taxation Grade: A-
5. ACCT 510 Financial Accounting Grade: A-
6. ACCT 574 International Taxation Grade: A+
7. ACCT 578 Partnership Taxation Grade: A

These are my best grades relating to Accounting from my Master's of Taxation classes. I am confident that I can teach others the skills and techniques that are necessary to produce this consistent type of success.

Additionally, my years of experience working in accounting and finance have honed my accounting skills and forced me to apply them in real-life scenarios.

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