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Fun Facts

I love to bake on my free time! I am always in the mood to bake whenever and wherever.

About Me

I am a sophomore at Rowan University. I am studying Elementary Education with a Dual Major in English.


I interned in First and Fifth grade classrooms my Senior year of High School where I was able to get the hands on experience in a classroom. I have always tutored and have done homework help with the kids I babysit. I have worked with elementary schoolers for over 5 years now.


I have always had a passion for teaching, and tutoring is a closer step to achieving my goal of being a successful teacher. Students are interested and active when I work with them as I can make a lesson fun!

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Rowan University

Elementary Education

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Social Studies Tutoring

Basic Elementary Social Studies. I am able to help students understand the subject of what they are learning and their social studies homework.

Study Skills Tutoring

I took a study skills class in high school, so I am able to understand the skills students need in order to study and do their work.

Writing Tutoring

Basic writing skills. I can help students with any writing assignment, reviewing it, making corrections, and getting them a good grade.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

I know the basics, there isn't much to learn from the program.

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

I am able to teach students how the program works, the features, and how to make an amazing presentation using powerpoint.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

Iam able to teach students how the program works, the features, and how to write a great paper.

Conversational Hebrew Tutoring

I speak Hebrew at home and to family. I can communicate to students through the language.

English Tutoring

English 101. The basics, grammar, and more in the subject.

Hebrew Tutoring

I speak Hebrew at home and am able to communicate to people with the language.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I am able to help students with homework, give them strategies, and help them with planning out their homework.

Math Tutoring

Math is my favorite subject, so I am confident with this subject. I make the math lessons fun and easy.

Elementary Math Tutoring

Math is my favorite subject, so I am confident with this subject. I make the math lessons fun and easy.

Science Tutoring

Basic elementary science. I can help students understand the content and solvate problems.

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