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Fun Facts

I love to read and garden. I am a professional butterfly breeder and enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

About Me

I have earned a Masters Degree in Curriculum and instruction and an education Specialist degree in Administration.


I have taught for primary and middle school age students for 15 years. I have tutored middle school, high school, and nontraditional students.


As a tutor, I hope to create a love of learning by teaching in a way to make difficult topics interesting.

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Austin Peay State University


Austin Peay State University

curriculum and instruction


Austin Peay State University

Administration and Supervision

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Graduate Level Writing Tutoring

I enjoy technical writing. I have 20 years experience writing and editing.

GED Tutoring

I have worked in adult education. I have worked with non traditional students complete their personal goals.

Education Tutoring

I have been an educator for 15 years.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I have enjoyed the teaching of reading. I have helped students to reach extreme success.

Writing Tutoring

I can assist in writing various styles of writing.

ESL Tutoring

I have worked for 15 years in inclusion classrooms meeting the needs of esl students.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have taught primary math for 15 years.

Social Studies Tutoring

I have taught social studies for 15 years.

ACT English Tutoring

I am able to assist in preparation of standardized tests.

ACT Math Tutoring

I am able to assist in preparation of standardized tests.

ACT Reading Tutoring

I am able to assist in preparation of standardized tests.

ACT Science Tutoring

I am able to assist in preparation of standardized tests.

ASVAB Tutoring

I am able to assist in preparation of standardized tests.

SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring

I am able to assist in preparation of standardized tests.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

I have advanced content knowledge and can help students to improve in this area.

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

I have advanced content knowledge and can help students to improve in this area.

Microsoft Publisher Tutoring

I have advanced content knowledge and can help students to improve in this area.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I have advanced content knowledge and can help students to improve in this area.

Study Skills Tutoring

I am able to assist students in learning essential study skills.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I can assist in writing various styles of writing.

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