Fun Facts
A constant in my life since I was three is my love to dance; even though I do not take formal classes as much, I have discovered new founded joy in swing dancing and two-stepping and can still be found dancing around my house. Growing up in California, the beach was a second home even while doing summer homework on the sand. I also love travel, volunteer work, and going to the movies.
About Me
I am a freshman Pre-Business major with a Mathematics minor at Texas Christian University. I graduated high school as Valedictorian and was actively involved in many clubs serving as Vice President of Key Club and Historian of Interact Club. My post graduate plans are to become a certified Actuary paired with a Finance degree.
As a member of National Honor Society, I volunteered numerous hours at our school’s tutoring center where I was able to help students in a broad range of subjects such as math, chemistry and French. It was through the center that I started to recognize my passion tutoring students to find their “ah-ha” moments of understanding or simply help them through the next step of a problem when they were stuck. I began to reach out to peers even in my classes that did not fully understand a concept.
Since I know not all students learn in the same way, I attempt to identify how an individual student learns best, while giving each one as many ways to look at a concept as possible until something reaches them. I set up a strong foundation of the concept and give examples or specific problems in which to apply the material. I encourage the student to try and work through the problem as much on their own as possible but will assist them when necessary. This process promotes independence but is reinforced with positivity, encouragement, motivation, and useful tricks while not making them struggle with frustration for hours.