Fun Facts
I love video game and will work for one company one day. I used to play basketball for a while when I was young. My talents at managing and encouraging teammates to result got me to be appointed captain of the team. Cool isn't it? It comes with a lot of responsibilities something not working on the court, I had to be blame for that. Someone not defending when we got pressure I was blamed for; But did not have any awards when we scored (laughter).
About Me
I've been teaching peers for few years and have the skills to teach. Details first and going to the roots. The one thing I could say about myself is that I am UNIQUE. Unique not in the way that I boast myself, far from it, unique because I have a different personality. When there is despair, I always find a solution. When there is joy to be brought I am among the first on the list. When there is new things to be created or re-invented i am always in the loop.
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