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Jessica H.
Verified Tutor near Houston, TX 
Rice University
High School
Middle School

Fun Facts

I am currently playing in my final season on the Rice University soccer team. I am an avid reader, and enjoy a wide array of authors: I am OBSESSED with all things Tolkien, but I love most sci-fi and fantasy stories, in addition to novels by Ayn Rand and John Green. I enjoy playing video games like Skyrim and Halo 4 when able, and enjoy the BBC TV shows Sherlock, Doctor Who, and Merlin.

About Me

I am a senior English, Classical Studies, and Medieval Studies triple major at Rice University. I have been an Honor Athlete and on the Commissioner's Honor Roll for the past 3 years. I hope to someday maybe attend graduate school and obtain a Masters in literature, but until then, I want to pursue a job in which I have freedom to write and be creative, such as a journalist or a job in PR. Someday I hope to be a novelist and poet.

When I was in high school, I tutored several middle school students in Latin. At that point I had taken about 8 years of Latin, so houston">tutoring a first year Latin student was not challenging. I have not done any official houston">tutoring since then, but I often help teammates who are majoring in the sciences with their writing and more conceptual, English-related assignments.

I have never received houston">tutoring in the areas in which I wish to help houston">tutor others, but the teachers from whom I have learned the most and who have had the most impact on me are those who foster discussion. So I encourage students to talk about their ideas out loud, because by attempting to articulate them, it often sparks creativity and other ideas. I have struggled with teachers who are condescending and unreceptive to incorrect answers. So as a houston">tutor, if a student gave an incorrect answer, I would help them find the correct answer through encouragement and discussion.

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