Fun Facts
Teaching is my passion! Although my experience has been in teaching and administration, there is nothing more exciting than watching a student have an "a- ha" moment or to hear them say, "Oh, I get it now!" I love teaching all students whether they are children, teens, or adults. I had a great career in education and I am retired but not tired of teaching! Plus, I also have a great rapport with people, and love to inspire others!
About Me
Currently, I am retired with 31 years experience in teaching and administration. Post retirement I have directed a childcare school, taught GED, college ESL, Catholic school, substitute teaching and tutoring at the elementary grade level. My total years in education is 47 years! Does that tell you something about me? I have a Texas Teaching Certificate, Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies, and my Mid Managent Certificate. My goal is to continue helping as many students succeed!
A total of 47 years in education has given me so many varied and wonderful experience in teaching students in all levels. Each experience has been positive and fulfilling. I have used my knowledge even in my community at my parish in teaching Catechism classes. Most recently, I have tutored young children in the public schools part time. I love the thought of working with students through tutoring to help them accomplish their goals.
Growing up as a baby boomer was awesome. My mom would help us with spelling words and tests for Fridays. She also made us learn our multiplication and addition facts. Teaching was modeled to me by her. Throughout my education there was always a great teacher who would encourage me and that was so great in building my confidence. Students who are afraid to ask questions in academics need confidence and that is the type of educator I have always tried to be. Tutoring is a great way to do that!
Request Me NowTexas A&M University--Kingsville
BS Elementary Ed Bilingual/Music/ESL Certified
Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi
MA Interdisciplinary Studies Bilingual,Communication, Ethnic Studies
MastersTexas A&M University at Corpus Christi
Mid Management Certificate
Graduate Coursework