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Fun Facts

I have always wanted to be a marine biologist, so at the age of 12, I became a certified SCUBA diver. I have dove as deep as 120 feet in the ocean. Something else interesting about me is that in the Fall of 2017, I was a part of a project that sent fungi from deep in the ocean all the way to the International Space Station. I also really enjoy hiking and camping along with my two chihuahuas. I hope to one day live in a place where I can be close to both the ocean and mountains.

About Me

I am a second-year masters student in the Marine Biology program at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. My research focuses on characterizing potentially new fungi from deep-sea sediments. The findings from my research have implications for understanding survival in extreme environments and the potential discovery of new antibiotic compounds. When I complete my master's degree, I plan to begin a Ph.D. program. My ultimate goal is to one day run my own research lab.


During my undergraduate education, I was a supplemental instructor for Biology and Microbiology, which means I held learning sessions outside of the classroom for students. I would tutor several students at once and would go over questions they had. As a graduate student, part of my job is to be a teaching assistant for biology and microbiology college-level labs. I have my own lab sections in which I teach students the lab methods and concepts.


My approach has always been to find ways in which the students can relate to the subject. I also have realized that a majority of students are visual learners, as so am I. Using whiteboards to draw out concepts or equations and working through the problem one step at a time really helps the students understand the whole idea. Lastly, I was taught early on to avoid answering a students question directly, but guide them in how to answer it and hear from them what they think they should do.

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Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi


Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi

Marine Biology

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Biology Advance Tutoring

I took Biology 1 and Biology 2 and made A's in both.
I also tutored in both Biology 1 and 2.
My bachelor degree was in Biology with honors.

Biology I Tutoring

I took Biology 1 and Biology 2 and made A's in both.
I also tutored in both Biology 1 and 2.
My bachelor degree was in Biology with honors.

Biology II Tutoring

I took Biology 1 and Biology 2 and made A's in both.
I also tutored in both Biology 1 and 2.
My bachelor degree was in Biology with honors.

Environmental Science Tutoring

I have excelled in many science classes such as biology, chemistry, ecology, wetlands and water quality and geochemical cycling. All of these classes can be incorporated into environmental science.

Graduate Level Writing Tutoring

I was the third author on a published scientific paper, in which I was responsible for writing the majority of the introduction and results, as well as portions of the discussion and methods. I have also written several proposals and essays for funding. Many times, I have attended writing workshops.

Microbiology Tutoring

While my degrees are in biology and marine biology, my true expertise is in marine microbiology. I have been studying microbes in extreme environments for 4 years now. In my undergraduate, I took general microbiology and advanced microbial ecology in which I made A's in both. I have tutored for microbiology as well.

Study Skills Tutoring

Taking advanced college classes taught me quickly how to appropriately study. When I tutored in college, one of the main areas I taught was how to best study for individual classes.

Writing Tutoring

I was the third author on a published scientific paper, in which I was responsible for writing the majority of the introduction and results, as well as portions of the discussion and methods. I have also written several proposals and essays for funding. Many times, I have attended writing workshops.

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