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Fun Facts

The first thing you will notice about me is I am In love with fitness. I am a vegetarian, work at a gym, and I focus a lot of my time on my training for a fitness competition. I live a very healthy lifestyle centered around personal training and ways to live life to the fullest. I am a very motivated individual determined to achieve every goal I set for myself. I love to be around people and learn new things and new cultures. Train your mind with wisdom and your body with health.

About Me

I graduate with my associates degree in May from Tarrant County College. I focused a lot of my classes around speech communication, psychology, and classes that require a lot of essay writing. I will be making a big move hopefully in the fall to attend the University of Nevada Las Vegas where I will be attaining my Bachelors in international business and marketing as my majors and advertising and management as my minors. I plan to go all the way to my masters within these fields of study.


I'm an honors student and a member of Phi Theta Kappa, I have learned through my time within Tarrant County College that I enjoy helping other students with learning or mastering skills they might not have possessed at first. I have been offered a membership with a national honors society for scholarly writing, I have a passion for writing and the English language. Working as a tutor I get the best of both worlds, I am teaching and learning from students as well.


I am a strong believer "Wisdom is power" School gives you the skills to not only get a further education which in turn can help individuals accomplish so very much within life alone, but it also teaches you to focus and learn in new ways along with critical thinking. I have learned so very much throughout my educational background and I have never loved something as much as I do education, as a tutor, I will strive to instill the passion for learning in any subject I might be helping with.

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Tarrant County College

Associates Degree

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Child Development Tutoring

Currently in this course and I have taken general Psychology as well both classes made A's and I have a passion!! for Psychology and I can focus on this subject a lot.

Communication Tutoring

I have taken 2 speech courses, Business professional speech, and general communication speech. I love getting in front of crowds and speaking to people to teach them new things. in both courses I made A's. I am going to school for International Business so speech and communication is a large part of what I will be doing in my field of work once I get my degree.

English Tutoring

I have taken English comp I & II received A's in both classes, I have experience writing scholarly papers, I have helped a few of my classmates with their essays and papers for classes.

Literature Tutoring

My English Comp II was more focused around Literature and I had to write a scholarly paper on African American views within America. I got an A in this class however my professor ended up giving my paper to the national honors society of scholarly writing and I was given an invitation based upon how well I write my views of this topic.

Nutrition Tutoring

I am currently training for a fitness competition and I have taken plenty of course work focused on nutrition. I am a health and fitness type of person I am a vegetarian and I work at a gym and fitness center currently and I will be getting my personal trainers certificates shortly. working for a gym and fitness center you have to be knowledgeable on nutrition and the w=right products to obtain the goals one has in fitness.

Psychology Tutoring

I made an A in General Psychology during a summer course with it being only a 3 weeks course I managed to attain an A and I discovered my passion for mental and physical health within this course.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I have been involved in a lot of courses that require reading and writing of essays of all sorts of subjects and I am very knowledgable about the English language and what it takes to write a professional and proper paper for almost any course.

Religion Tutoring

I have been in a course or philosophy and religions of the world and I found this course to be very interesting and attained an A in this course within an 8 week course I love to travel and I have studied a lot about all sorts of religions around the world. and I have a passion to learn new things from new cultures. this is one of the main things I will use in my degree and my future career due to the fact I will be introduced to all sorts of new religions and cultures because my degree is in International Business. where you are required to study abroad.

Sociology Tutoring

I have only taken one course in Sociology however I made an A in this course due to the fact it is not too far away grin Psychology which I have a passion for, I learned a lot in this course and I can defiantly teach some inside into this subject as far as the writing assignments go.

Study Skills Tutoring

over my time in College I have picked up a ton of different ways to study and I have learned not all students learn the same in each course. What I might do to study in Psychology might be different than what I do in English. However, I have learned what seems to work as a general rule to follow and it has defiantly paid off for me within my college career.

Writing Tutoring

I have written a many essays and scholarly papers along the way throughout my college career, and I have almost always been complimented on my abilities to write and word myself. I have a passion for writing and I enjoy teaching others to write as well.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I have been in college and will graduate with my first degree come May and I believe that with my college experience and critical thinking skills acquired over these last few yers I can tutor someone and teach them how to get their homework done but also make it enjoyable for someone to learn and possibly bring out a passion for learning as I have acquired over the years as well.

GED Tutoring

I took a GED class once and I never completed due to the fact I found a high school diploma program I was able to enroll in but I have since been enrolled in college and I will have my first degree come may and I would like to tutor people in the ways of learning to study for a test like the GED test. I believe I will be able to simplify the way a student retains information.

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