- Advance Statistics
- Elementary Statistics
- Physics II
- Physics I
- Finance
- Chemistry II
- Chemistry I
- Calculus 3
- Calculus 2
- Calculus I
- College Algebra
- Math Advance
- Trigonometry
- Economics
- Computer Science
- Pre Calculus
- Business
- Accounting
- Linear Algebra
- Linear Algebra
- Differential equation
- Differential equation
- Financial Accounting
- Managerial Accounting
- Trigonometry
- Economics
- Computer Science
- Pre Calculus
- Business
- Accounting
- Study Skills
- Science
- Math Advance
- Homework Coach
- Geometry
- AP Statistics
- Statistics
- AP Physics
- Physics
- AP Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Calculus AP
- Calculus
- Biology AP
- Biology
- Algebra II
- Algebra
- Pre Algebra
- Linear Algebra
- Differential equation
- Financial Accounting
- Managerial Accounting
Fun Facts
I truly believe in the power of education in transforming lives. I was recently awarded President's Volunteer Service Award for my volunteer work (mainly education projects) done at NY Cares. I try to be fit and regularly practice yoga and do cardio exercises.
About Me
I am a renewable energy private equity professional living in New York and finishing up my doctoral dissertation research. I have previously worked for more than 5 years in risk management/ structuring in finance. My PhD dissertation research investigates economic viability and long-term sustainability of different forms of alternative energy – wind, solar, hydro, biofuels against the backdrop of fossil fuels. Member of Alpha Pi MU ISE Honor Society.
I have taught engineering economics to undergraduate students at Virginia Tech. I have also been very active with NYCares, a non-profit organization where I have taught students in elementary school, middle school right up to high school. As part of NYCares, I have also taken part in SAT Teacher Prep training.
I try to connect with students and make an attempt to understand what drives and motivates them. I believe the hardest part is in motivating and creating a self belief in the students, as once this is done its pretty easy to teach content. I try to develop and instill study skills by which the student can be successful in all his subjects.