Fun Facts
I love to travel. I have been to the United Kingdom and Europe twice. I like to act in plays, on camera and do voiceover, especially animated characters. Love to camp, hike , swim and boat. Looking forward to summer!
About Me
I graduated from the pittsburgh">University of Pittsburgh with a dual Bachelors degree in Speech Pathology/Audiology and Psychology. I also have a Drama Certificate from the Lee Strasburg Theatre Institute in New York and LA. Was an observer at the Actors Studio, Sat on the board of directors of the Screen Actors Guild Board of Directors, was an associate Casting Director with Jenny O'Haver casting. I am a working SAG, AFTRA and EQUITY actress.
I currently work as a Senior Behavior Therapist with Looking Glass Children Services in the LAUSD. Los Angeles Unified School District. I currently tutor part time with Grade Potential Tutoring. I have tutored children on my own after school as well.
As a tutor I work with homework,the current subject the child is working on and having difficulty with. I coach with studying skills. I am in the classroom each day so I see Children that do struggle and with my students I hone in on the problem areas, so their grades will improve.
Request Me NowUniversity of Pittsburgh
Speech pathology/psychology
Arts Tutoring
If a student is in art history for example we will discuss time lines of the facts.
Child Development Tutoring
I have a degree in psychology and have taken many child development classes , even post graduate. We mostly review facts.
Communication Tutoring
I took speech communications for Speech Path degree so understand the types of essays and campaigns they work on.
Education Tutoring
Took many education classes for Speech Pathology.
English Tutoring
Started out as a journalism major/ English. Usually a lot of classics being read and tested on with essays.
Geography Tutoring
Geography is one of my favorite subjects.
History Tutoring
Studied in college American and European. Made A's
History Advance Tutoring
Learning a lot based on various governments honing in on certain countries.
Psychology Tutoring
Have a four year in this area. Have been working with psychology as a therapist most of my adult life
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
Like for students to read a paragraph from for example the Illiad and recite what they understand from it. Reading comprehension is basically the same from Kindergarten right through to college.
Sociology Tutoring
One of my favorite subjects in high school and college. Memorilization and review of ethics and mores.
Speech Pathology Tutoring
I majored in Speech Pathology and Audiology for part of my dual degree. I have been a Speech Pathologist in Hospitals, elementary and secondary schools . I was the student secretary of the National Student Speech and Hearing Association and the Pennsylvania state student Speech and Hearing Association while I was attending the University of Pittsburgh. I learned both medical and educational model at Pitt. Pitt is one of the best medical schools and research schools in the United States.
Study Skills Tutoring
Teaching students when the best time for them to study and how to take successful breaks from studying.
Writing Tutoring
Writing papers and essays takes a lot of repetitive training, either for facts or creative writing. I work off the subject grid for each assignment.
Writing Advance Tutoring
Whether it is an advanced magazine story or research thesis, review and practice is what I center on.
AP English Tutoring
Work with a lot of high school essays that range on college material. Work with diagraming and basic phonetics.
AP History Tutoring
I work in classes with my students to keep them focused on American History and European History. We work a lot of memorization of facts.
Government Tutoring
Work with my students on focusing about the three branches of government. Again, dealing with memorization and facts for testing. I work on many essays about certain historical facts and sections of Government.
Homework Coach Tutoring
In keeping my students from not being distracted after a long day in school, we take a break between subjects or pages of homework to talk briefly about a hobby they are interested in, or give them a fun exercise.
Religion Tutoring
Religion is mostly facts and memorilization so sometimes I will ask my students to put themselves in that period of time they are learning about. What they might of done or thought in a situation, to bring it to life for them
French Tutoring
Took 3 years in high school and one year in college. I have spoken conversational French in Paris. I am proficient in writing it, reading it and speaking it to tutor a middle school student with French 1 class.
Science Tutoring
I am proficient in tutoring earth science and basic Biology.
Elementary Math Tutoring
Work with addition, subtraction , division, multiplication and fractions, bar graphs all elementary subjects with my students in the classroom each day.
Social Studies Tutoring
Work with social studies in the classroom with my students each day. I have experience from K through 5 th grade in Social Studies.
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