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Fun Facts

I love music! I even got into coding through music - I used ChucK to perform a Terry Riley piece as part of a music technology class. While I can hold a tune, I'm useless on the dance floor. I love logic, philosophy, computers, algorithms, and data structures, and recently I've been trying to get into electrical engineering as well (designing circuit schematics for guitar pedals).

About Me

I am a NOLA based developer, having studied science/louisiana/new-orleans">computer science both at Boston University and Loyola University New Orleans. I primarily write server code, though I hope to eventually lead a comprehensive software development project.


I spent two years with the AmeriCorps program City Year, offering full-time tutoring and classroom support in both Boston and New Orleans. Throughout college, I offered both formal and informal science/louisiana/new-orleans">computer science tutoring to my peers, and afterward still offer advice and editing on friend's coding projects. I likewise worked with the Loyola University-based Philosopher Kids, offering a philosophy curriculum to third graders of the Good Shepherd School in the Central Business District.


I have personally found that things that are as seemingly impersonal as logic, math, and science/louisiana/new-orleans">computer science can in fact be very exciting when they are incorporated with a person's passions and interests. As I wrote above, my own experience in science/louisiana/new-orleans">computer science was first catalyzed by my love of music. I would seek ways of demonstrating concepts and framing projects around a student's individual interests, and find some aspect of the course material that excites them!

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Loyola University


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C++ Tutoring

C++ and Java were the two fundamental languages used in my computer science education, for modeling data structures, algorithms, software design patterns, and object-oriented concepts. Since then, I have used C++ both personally and professionally, and have a breadth of knowledge in C++-specific concepts, such as friend classes, operator overloading, templates and abstract classes. If you need support understanding objected-oriented concepts, need particular help with C++, or want to investigate more advanced C++ features, I can help.

Computer Programming Tutoring

I have experience in programming as a hobby well before college, an education in computer science, and professional experience as a coder both in a leadership role at a software startup, and in contract positions. I am skilled with a number of programming languages and development environment. I likewise have significant knowledge of data structure and algorithm implementation, and more theoretical aspects of the subject.

Computer Science Tutoring

I have a formal education in computer science. I continue to hone my knowledge in, and practice the implementation of: data structures; algorithms and algorithmic efficiency; memory management; software design; and testing. I originally studied computer science as a result of a music curriculum, and find its interface with things like the arts (as well as other sciences, etc.) to be quite fascinating. I'd love to share my passion for the subject!

Computer Science Tutoring

I have a formal education in computer science. I continue to hone my knowledge in, and practice the implementation of: data structures; algorithms and algorithmic efficiency; memory management; software design; and testing. I originally studied computer science as a result of a music curriculum, and find its interface with things like the arts (as well as other sciences, etc.) to be quite fascinating. I'd love to share my passion for the subject!

C Tutoring

Primarily learned C for a curriculum on hardware/software interfaces. Continued to hone this skill for personal interest, finding it exciting to implement data structures and manage memory without much abstraction on top of it. I continue to work in C for personal projects, and for coding competitions and challenges hosted on sites such as HackerRank and LeetCode.

HTML Tutoring

I was self-taught in HTML as early as middle school. HTML continues to be the foundation of all front-end website development, and my ability in it has only be reinforced with the advent of frameworks such as ReactJS and AngularJS. It has been essential for me to stay on top of HTML and its current capabilities, for the sake of interfacing server code with the front-end, and front-end development projects for clients.

Java Tutoring

Java was used as the primary language in my education for demonstrating data structures, algorithms, and software development concepts. In this regard, I am extremely comfortable with its syntax, and well-versed in Java-specific things such as the Java compiler and VM, and design patterns such as Factory, Singleton, Adaptor, etc. I have continued to use Java professional in writing website scrapers.

Javascript Tutoring

JavaScript is absolutely ubiquitous in web application development. Not only is it the cornerstone of many front-end frameworks such as ReactJS and AngularJS, but likewise is the basis for many powerful servers as well. I used JavaScript almost exclusively when working as the CTO of a software development company based here in New Orleans, writing our back-end in ExpressJS and our front-end using HTML and JQuery.

Linux Tutoring

There are very few servers in the app development world that are not Linux-based. Consequently, I have used Linux almost exclusively for most of my life, both as a professional necessity, and as a matter of preference (it is incredibly extensible, and makes software development pipelines very sensible). Whether you're curious about how to use the OS as a casual user and an alternative to Windows or Mac OS, or you're interested in understanding its more advanced features as a developer, I have a breadth of experience to offer.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

Admittedly, Excel doesn't come up often in a Computer Science curriculum. However, I have plenty of experience with Excel, both in education (primarily in the sciences) as well as professionally as the CFO of a live-sound company based here in New Orleans.Excel is actually a very exciting tool to a programmer, as its equation syntax can be quite sophisticated, and its cell-based interface makes understanding variable uses, etc. very sensible. I sometimes use Excel in conjunction with a debugger for this reason.

Microsoft Windows Tutoring

Microsoft Windows was the OS of choice both for my family (and me at an early age), as well as many of the computer labs at my school. As with any other OS, the core use of it is more or less just a matter of experience. However, I also have much experience using DOS and tools like Cygwin to emulate a Linux experience on a Windows machine. I've also had much experience developing for Microsoft Azure, which is a Windows-based cloud computing platform. These skills can be incredibly valuable to a developer who is often working on Windows machines.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I have used Microsoft Word as my primary word processor for my entire life. I am familiar not only with its basic functions, but also things that can be great time savers, such as Styles, Templates, and macros. I have much to offer both to the first-time user, and to more experienced users who want to make their word processing more efficient.

SQL Tutoring

I have years of experience, both with SQL and NoSQL databases. I have a formal education in logic, combinatorics, and database theory including normalization and indexing. Whether you need to strengthen your querying, configure a SQL server, or understand efficient indexing, I can definitely help!

SQL Tutoring

I have years of experience, both with SQL and NoSQL databases. I have a formal education in logic, combinatorics, and database theory including normalization and indexing. Whether you need to strengthen your querying, configure a SQL server, or understand efficient indexing, I can definitely help!

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