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Anne Marie N.
Experienced in maths and French speaker 
Georgia College & State University
High School
Middle School

Fun Facts

For me the perfect evening weekend is being comfy in a blanket and watching DC or Marvel movie, I just like anything superhero and I don’t have a favorite one. I like most of them.

About Me

I am a junior chemistry at Georgia state. I plan to get a degree in chemistry and in chemical engineering. I would like to be able to work in a place where I can bring something new into the society, for example like working in a pharmaceutical company or even a energy industry to be able to create other sources of energy.


As a volunteer here at Georgia State I was able to tutor elementary student from the neighborhood, helping them with their homework but also spending time by having fun and I look forward for such other opportunities.


Sometimes we need someone to help us awake the capabilities in us that we thought were never there and someone who is there just for us. I remember when I was in high school I was failing mathematics,I thought that it was just not for me, but my parents got me a tutor, who showed me another approach different than what I was taught in class but still leading to the best results. I got to the point where my teacher pulled aside and asked me what changed. I smile and I told me, I got help.

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Georgia College & State University


Georgia College & State University


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French Tutoring

I am born French speaker and I also had French classes in high school with those two I believe that I may be able to help someone who is taking that class.

French I Tutoring

I am born French speaker and I also had French classes in high school with those two I believe that I may be able to help someone who is taking that class.

French II Tutoring

I am born French speaker and I also had French classes in high school with those two I believe that I may be able to help someone who is taking that class.

Math Tutoring

As a former high school student, I used to struggle other math But eventually I leveled up my game and nailed it. With that experience I learned study tricks and tips with math and I would want to be able to I’ve thm to another student.

Writing Tutoring

I love to write. At a certain period of my life I wanted to become a writer but my science side took over in college. I still love to write, for my classes and sometimes for fun and as an non born English speaker I had to take three English classes with a lot of writing and a TOEFL IBT and paper based.

English Tutoring

As a French speaker people may think that I can’t help someone with an English course, but the truth is foreigner who learn another language tend to be successful(in that language) more than the one who were raised speaking it, just by the fact that we are loaded with many information and we understand that if we don’t give the best to learn we will not get the best.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Reading is something that I enjoy doing, first for pleasure and second to challenge my comprehension. I found myself comprehending things better and easily. I have a little sister in elementary school that comes home with a lot of read and sometimes I help her going through her homework.

Conversational French Tutoring

Conversation is among the best way to learn a new language and what the best way to get that skill with someone who actually speak that language to help you improve.

Conversational Swahili Tutoring

Swahili is my mother tongue, that is the language we speak at home, the one I use with my whole family, just like French.

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