- Pre Algebra
- Algebra
- Arts
- Jump Math
- Chemistry I
- Criminal Justice
- English
- AP English
- English I
- English II
- English Literature
- Economics
- History
- Homework Coach
- Elementary Math
- Middle School Math
- Math
- Nutrition
- Reading Comprehension
- Social Studies
- Study Skills
- Sociology
- Religion
- Psychology
- Writing
- Writing Advance
- Music Theory
- Child Development
- Political Science
- Government
- Speech Pathology
- Child Development
- Government
- Political Science
- Writing Advance
- Writing
- Psychology
- Religion
- Sociology
- Study Skills
- Social Studies
- Science
- Reading Comprehension
- Physics
- Nutrition
- Homework Coach
- History
- English Literature
- English II
- Jump Math
- AP English
- English I
- English
- Criminal Justice
- Chemistry
- Business
- Biology
- Anatomy Physiology I
- Arts
- Pre Algebra
Fun Facts
I see movies and hears sounds in my head that tell me where to go, intuition is a skill that's need paying a attention to. I enjoy trying to understand the mind because its the greatest mystery beside the question of life. I believe its a problem that people aren't aware of the inherent power their minds hold. I want everyone to know that anyone can lead. Not necessarily leading a group or ushering in the next generation or anything of that scale but the ability, strength and courage to lead one
About Me
I'm the most positive person I know. I enjoy reading on many different topics, I really don't have a favorite genre or anything other then non-fiction material. How to do anything manuals or whatever I feel I can learn something new from. New wisdom excites me more than anything and I mean that in the most general way.
Without new insights and perspectives one is doomed to feel isolated like the world is not enough. Not knowing there is so much more to be seen and learned beyond the realm of institutionalized education. There is a allusion that has plagued peoples thinking for many generations that the learning process stops when you choose to stop going to school.
Life itself is school and I want to pull the blinds from the younger generations eyes to enlighten them on the fact that you can learn something useful in every moment lived. When school takes on the concept of life, the burden of life will parallel the stress to learn. This type of integrated thinking will allow the student to progress pass standard limitations because their idea of learning would have change. Then they will understand the true meaning of you have to Learn to Live.