- Anatomy Physiology II
- Biology I
- Biology II
- Business
- Communication
- Economics
- Education
- English
- Environmental Science
- French
- French I
- French II
- Geography
- Geology
- Graduate Level Writing
- History
- History Advance
- International Studies
- Italian
- Literature
- Macro Economics
- Micro-Economics
- Nutrition
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Reading Comprehension
- Religion
- Sociology
- Study Skills
- Writing
- Writing Advance
Fun Facts
Some of my passions include Goth, new wave, punk, alternative, and metal music as well as sports. My favourite sports are American football, hockey, basketball, baseball, and European football (soccer). My favourite athlete and person is Eli Manning. I enjoy dancing and karaoke. Moreover, I have a passion for teaching others, especially those at the college, graduate, adult and advance high school levels. I really enjoy seeing my students grow intellectually.
About Me
I am an adjunct instructor of business, marketing, management, business ethics, HR, and other business classes both in class and online for over 25 years. I have been tutoring business, science, Bible Studies, French, ELS, english, social sciences, italian, French, test prep, etc for over 14 years. I hold four masters degrees and a PhD.
I have been teaching al the business classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels online and in class for over 26 years. Moreover, I have been tutoring english; french, italian, ESL, Bible Studies, science, social sciences 'economics; psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science), philosophy, history, ESL, nutrition, test prep, writing, research, basic computers, etc. I believe that working for Frog Tutoring will give me additional opportunities to help more students.
In my classroom and as a tutor, I use multiple modalities and I am sensitive to all learning styles. I use visuals, as well as lecture, and group work in the classroom and when tutoring I use visual, one to one explanation, demonstration, and explanation on why a concept exists or why an answer is write or wrong. I listen to my students and cater to their needs so that they will succeed academically.
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BS Marketing
Long Island University - Post
Graduate CourseworkWalden University
PhdAnatomy Physiology II Tutoring
My coursework in this area is regents biology, and college science, but I have been tutoring anatomy and physiology to pharmacy and healthcare business students for several years. I am most familiar with the neurological structures of the nervous system and the parts of the brain, and how the neurotransmitters emit messages through the neurons and have been tutoring this for 14 years. In addition, I am quite familiar with and have been tutoring the endocrine system particularly hormones such as insulin, cortisol, leptin, and ghrelin and the causes and etiology of diabetes. In addition, I am familiar with the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular, and digestive systems and how these systems integrate. I am best suited for the introductory course
Biology I Tutoring
I have taken regents biology and college science, but I have been tutoring biology for 14 years. My familiarity as stated with anatomy and physiology include the human body systems, basic genetics, the structure of DNA, the structure of the animal and the plant cell, the mitochondria, and the etiology of diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease. I also have familiarity with the plant structure from the stem to leaves, and at the cellular level including the stoma. I can tutor intro to biology at the high school and undergraduate levels.
Biology II Tutoring
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Business Tutoring
I have a BS in marketing, an MBA in management and a PhD in Management. I have 25 years teaching experience and 14 years tutoring experience. I teach and tutor all the marketing classes; and promotional communications and eleùents of the promotional mix. In addition, I teach about pricing, product, and distribution. Other classes I teach and tutor include retailing, consumer behavior , business ethics and corporate social responsibility, management, HR, marketing management, production management (PERT analysis, GANTT charts, master production scheduling), and business communications.
Communication Tutoring
As I mentioned in business, I have been teaching business communications for 25 years and tutoring it for 14 years. In my coursework as an undergraduate, I took business communications, and general communications, and at the undergraduate and graduate levels I also took advertising, and promotions. I am familiar with and have been tutoring and teaching the concept of and parts of the message including the sender, decoding, encoding, and receiving the message and goals of reaching the target audience. I have been conducting oral presentations for over 35 years and I use PowerPoint when I present and even in the classroom. My familiarity, teaching, and tutoring are with verbal, nonverbal, body language, and written communications. .
Economics Tutoring
As a business prof, I have also been tutoring economics and I incorporate economic principles such as utility, demand and supply, law of diminishing returns, diminishing law of marginal utility, concepts of GNP vs GDP, and consumer price index, leading and lagging economic indicators in my other business and marketing classes. In addition, I am familiar with and have been tutoring and incorporating Keynesian vs Monetarist theory, and the Gini factor as well as the Phillips Curve and the Laffer Curve in my marketing and management classes. In addition, I have taught aviation economics which takes the principles of macro and microeconomics and applies them to aviation. I have taken micro, macro, and managerial economics on the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Education Tutoring
I hold an EdM from Columbia University in education admin and my concentration was on higher education since I teach at the college level. Some concepts that I am very well versed are school marketing, school policy, constructivist, and deconstruvisit theories, and transformational, and transactional , autocratic, participative, democratic, benevolent (Likert scale), and contingency leadership (Fiedler) .I incorporate leadership in my management classes and have been tutoring it also for 14 years.. In addition I am familiar with liberal vs classical education, radical feminism; marxist theory, and progressive education and I use these pedagogies when I teach and tutor. I have been tutoring these concepts for close to 14 years as well. .
English Tutoring
I have taken AP english in high school and the required english and literature classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. For the past 14 years I have been tutoring writing, grammar, orthography, verb agreement, word usage, sentence structure, and scholarly writing using APA format. I also have been editing doctoral dissertations since I received my PhD.
Environmental Science Tutoring
I have taken environmental science at the undergraduate and graduate levels in one of my four masters degrees. I took environmental science while going to school for political science and history. I have been tutoring environmental and earth science for 14 years. I am quite familiar with and have been tutoring geology as the study of rock formations, volcanoes with magma and lava formations to igneous rock, I am also familiar with sedimentary and metamorphic rock, basic meteorology and weather forecasting including causes and features of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes (faulting and folding of rock (tectonics), tsunamis, el niños, la niñas, and concepts like heavy water, distance and time, conversions from fahrenheit to celsius, kelvin, etc In addition, I have been tutoring the ecosystem, biosphere as well as everything already mentioned.
ESL Tutoring
I am TOEFL and TOESL certified from the Language School in Montpellier, France. I have been privately tutoring ESL students from Korea, Haiti, Cameroon, and some Asian countries for 8 years. When I work with an ESL student, along with the student, I determine what level they are at, and work accordingly on speaking, writing, grammar, sentence structure, verb agreements, parallelism, relative pronouns, punctuation, listening comprehension, and conversation. I try to immerse the students in english. If a student is Francophone, since I am French, if their english is very basic or non-existent, I will start out using French but gradually I use less and less French and immerse them in english.
French Tutoring
I have some French credits that I took at StonyBrook after I completed my MALS in liberal studies with a concentration in history and political science, which is one of my four masters. I am french so I have excellent command of the language. I have been tutoring French at the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels for 14 years. For the basic French, I start with simple greetings, and simple conversation about everyday topics. In addition, I go over vocabulary, verb tenses, and basic grammar. The more advanced a student, is the more I immerse him or her in French and use less and less english.
French I Tutoring
I have some French credits that I took at StonyBrook after I completed my MALS in liberal studies with a concentration in history and political science, which is one of my four masters. I am french so I have excellent command of the language. I have been tutoring French at the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels for 14 years. For the basic French, I start with simple greetings, and simple conversation about everyday topics. In addition, I go over vocabulary, verb tenses, and basic grammar. The more advanced a student, is the more I immerse him or her in French and use less and less english.
French II Tutoring
I have some French credits that I took at StonyBrook after I completed my MALS in liberal studies with a concentration in history and political science, which is one of my four masters. I am french so I have excellent command of the language. I have been tutoring French at the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels for 14 years. For the intermediate French, I use more advanced conversation and listening as well as reading comprehension, french business and advertising. In addition, I go over vocabulary, verb tenses, and basic grammar. The more advanced a student, is the more I immerse him or her in French and use less and less english.
GED Tutoring
Although I never took a GED since I graduated with a regents diploma and with honors and have four masters degrees and a PhD, I have been tutoring many of the subjects in the GED for 14 years. These include general science, earth and environmental science, anatomy and physiology, biology, english, italian, french, social studies (history), and business. The GED concentrates on the core courses of english, science, math, and social studies. In addition, at the undergraduate level I took history, english, earth and environmental science, and took the same kind of science at the graduate level,and took education classes with perspectives of the person where writing and english were used quite frequently.
Geography Tutoring
I have taken geography as part of social studies in high school and history at the undergraduate level. In addition, some geography was taught in my earth and environmental science classes i took at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In fact in my graduate environmental science class I conducted research and a paper on the water table and aquifer, and salination of the water supply in Long Island. For 14 years I have tutored geography as part of history and earth science with such concepts as map topography, and elevation, latitude and longitude, land formations, who deserts are formed, and other types of terrain such as steppes, plains, flat lands, mountainous regions, rainforests, jungles and various climatic concepts including the dangers of climate change. In addition, other concepts that I tutor nare about rivers, tributaries, lakes and other bodies of water such as seas, and oceans. I have also been tutoring on how the continents may have been formed and also about the theories of the ice ages, floods, and land formations. Moreover, I also tutor about polar/arctic/antarctic climates, temperate and tropical climates.
Geology Tutoring
Geology was taught in my earth and environmental science classes I took in middle, and high school, and in my undergraduate and graduate classes. Also for 14 years, I have been tutoring geology as the formation of igneous rock from magma which becomes lava when it hits the earth's surface. In addition, when I tutor, we discuss sedimentary rock such as shale, limestone, and other sediment and how it metamorphosizes into metamorphic rock such as slate and marble. In addition, some earth science concepts such as topography, erosion, wind and weathering are discussed along with earthquakes and tectonics. .
Graduate Level Writing Tutoring
As a college prof with four masters and a PhD I have a lot of experience with graduate level writing. Thus, I have been tutoring graduate and scholarly writing for 14 years. Concepts include proper sentence structure, transition words and paragraphs, writing in a scholarly voice, and following the APA format. In addition, I am a dissertation editor where I dedit the dissertations of doctoral candidates and their proposals or final dissertations before published in ProQuest. I also edit scholarly research papers and help students with peer reviewed references and citations. I use track changes to show students where they made errors so that they can improve their writing.
History Tutoring
I have four masters degrees and a PhD and oàne of my masters is a masters of liberal studies with a concentration in AMerican, labor, and business history and political science. I have taken American and European and World history in high school and American history at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, I took aviation history, and political science classes such as public goods, and voting patterns.
I have been tutoring American, European (especially French) and world history for 14 years. Topics civered in European history were the ancient world including ancient Egypt (pharaohs , Cleoâtra, Marc Antony, female and male pharaohs ), ancient Greece, Plato, Socrates, Trojan War, Greek mythology, first city states of Athens the first democracy and Sparta the first military state. Also we discuss the Roman empire including the crucifixion of Jesus, inventions such as bath house, aqueducts, plumbing, etc, and then the fall of Rome, the Byzantine Empire, the Dark Ages,William the Conqueror, Crusades, the Bubonic Plaque, rise of the church, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, age of discovery, Age of Enlightenment, and then Europe started to colonize the New World. For French history, there was Charlemagne, the French Revolution, storming of Bastille, cutting off heads of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette because of Louis XIV, Reign of Terror, Napoleon , fall of Napoleon after Napoleonic wars, return of the Monarch, and then the third, and fourth republics. There was WWI and France was part of the Triple Entente against Germany, Italy,and Austria-Hungary. Then came the world Depression. Vichy was the puppet government during WWII by the Nazis. The government provisoire under de Gaulle came after the invasion of Normandy and the liberation of France. Then France helped the US in some of the Cold War skirmishes. May 68 was the major protest by students in France. then in modern france was the fifth republic which is still there today.
For US history, started with colonialism, to the Revolution, the articles of confederation which failed, then the constitution, war of 1812, increased power of US, westward expansion, struggles with Native Americans, homestead acts, civil war, reconstruction, jim crow laws, discrimination, WWI, prosperity and prohibition, the Great Depression, WWII, cold war, bay of pigs, and cuban missile crisis, space race, tumultuous 60s, civil rights movement, feminist movement, in 70s and 80s gay and disability rights movements, prosperity in 80s under Reagan, downturn in early 90s, Desert Storm, breakup and wars in former Yugoslavia, 911, Iraq war, war in Afghanistan, Great Recession, prosperity under Obama, 2016 election. for Asian history, there are the Chinese dynasties, the invasions by British, the nationalists vs communists Long March, Great Leap Forward, cultural revolution, modern China opening trade and reforming the economy. For Russia, we discuss the czarist Russia, unequal distribution of income, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Ivan the terrible, Czar Nicholas, the revolution of Bolsheviks, Cold war with US, demise of Soviet Union,post modern Russia. I have been tutoring all these areas for 14 years
History Advance Tutoring
The experience and the subjects are the same as the first level, just more advanced and in more detail. I have four masters degrees and a PhD and oàne of my masters is a masters of liberal studies with a concentration in AMerican, labor, and business history and political science. I have taken American and European and World history in high school and American history at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, I took aviation history, and political science classes such as public goods, and voting patterns.
I have been tutoring American, European (especially French) and world history for 14 years. Topics civered in European history were the ancient world including ancient Egypt (pharaohs , Cleoâtra, Marc Antony, female and male pharaohs ), ancient Greece, Plato, Socrates, Trojan War, Greek mythology, first city states of Athens the first democracy and Sparta the first military state. Also we discuss the Roman empire including the crucifixion of Jesus, inventions such as bath house, aqueducts, plumbing, etc, and then the fall of Rome, the Byzantine Empire, the Dark Ages,William the Conqueror, Crusades, the Bubonic Plaque, rise of the church, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, age of discovery, Age of Enlightenment, and then Europe started to colonize the New World. For French history, there was Charlemagne, the French Revolution, storming of Bastille, cutting off heads of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette because of Louis XIV, Reign of Terror, Napoleon , fall of Napoleon after Napoleonic wars, return of the Monarch, and then the third, and fourth republics. There was WWI and France was part of the Triple Entente against Germany, Italy,and Austria-Hungary. Then came the world Depression. Vichy was the puppet government during WWII by the Nazis. The government provisoire under de Gaulle came after the invasion of Normandy and the liberation of France. Then France helped the US in some of the Cold War skirmishes. May 68 was the major protest by students in France. then in modern france was the fifth republic which is still there today.
For US history, started with colonialism, to the Revolution, the articles of confederation which failed, then the constitution, war of 1812, increased power of US, westward expansion, struggles with Native Americans, homestead acts, civil war, reconstruction, jim crow laws, discrimination, WWI, prosperity and prohibition, the Great Depression, WWII, cold war, bay of pigs, and cuban missile crisis, space race, tumultuous 60s, civil rights movement, feminist movement, in 70s and 80s gay and disability rights movements, prosperity in 80s under Reagan, downturn in early 90s, Desert Storm, breakup and wars in former Yugoslavia, 911, Iraq war, war in Afghanistan, Great Recession, prosperity under Obama, 2016 election. for Asian history, there are the Chinese dynasties, the invasions by British, the nationalists vs communists Long March, Great Leap Forward, cultural revolution, modern China opening trade and reforming the economy. For Russia, we discuss the czarist Russia, unequal distribution of income, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Ivan the terrible, Czar Nicholas, the revolution of Bolsheviks, Cold war with US, demise of Soviet Union,post modern Russia. I have been tutoring all these areas for 14 years
International Studies Tutoring
In my MBA and PhD programmes we learned about cultural diversity and international differences in business. ths included international business, international marketing, and international advertising. Also when teaching business communications, I teach students that issues like eye contact body language, and communication customs have different meanings depending on the culture.
Italian Tutoring
I took Italian as my foreign language in high school and took advanced placement italian so i did not have to take it in college. I went to Italy, to Venice and Bassano del Grappa and stayed with an Italian family in order to increase my fluency. I was involved in conversational italian where i read, spoke, and listened to italian for 2 straight weeks. Moreover, for, 14 years I have tutoring basic italian, verbs, vocabulary, reading, listening, and speaking
Literature Tutoring
I took english literature in high school and as an undergraduate. Moreover, for the past 14 years i have tutored literature such as Shakespeare and works like Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Richard III, King Lear, Hamlet, etc In addition, I tutored literary works like Tale of two cities, and french works like Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, and Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant and some American literature like Uncle Tom(s Cabin, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and some more current and modern literature.
Macro Economics Tutoring
As a business prof, I have also been tutoring economics and I incorporate economic principles such as utility, demand and supply, law of diminishing returns, diminishing law of marginal utility, concepts of GNP vs GDP, and consumer price index, leading and lagging economic indicators in my other business and marketing classes. In addition, I am familiar with and have been tutoring and incorporating Keynesian vs Monetarist theory, and the Gini factor as well as the Phillips Curve and the Laffer Curve in my marketing and management classes. In addition, I have taught aviation economics which takes the principles of macro and microeconomics and applies them to aviation. I have taken micro, macro, and managerial economics on the undergraduate and graduate levels. The macro level covers the entire economic system such as Keynesian vs monetarist, the M1 money supply, and,demand deposits and leading and lagging economic indicators such as the Stock Market, unemployment rates, the GNP, and GDP.
Micro-Economics Tutoring
As a business prof, I have also been tutoring economics and I incorporate economic principles such as utility, demand and supply, law of diminishing returns, diminishing law of marginal utility, concepts of GNP vs GDP, and consumer price index, leading and lagging economic indicators in my other business and marketing classes. In addition, I am familiar with and have been tutoring and incorporating Keynesian vs Monetarist theory, and the Gini factor as well as the Phillips Curve and the Laffer Curve in my marketing and management classes. In addition, I have taught aviation economics which takes the principles of macro and microeconomics and applies them to aviation. I have taken micro, macro, and managerial economics on the undergraduate and graduate levels. On the micro level it is more about the households, labor, and government and consumers as individual entities, and the spending power of specific households and the impacts of wages on labor. It covers the micro level and individual utility.
Nutrition Tutoring
In my courses in biology, I studied some basic nutrition such as proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and glucose, and fats or lipids and fatty acids and glycerol. I have been tutoring nutrition as part of the digestive system in anatomy and physiology and in metabolising by the mitochondria in biology. Moreover, I have been tutoring nutrition for 14 years as the subject of health and wellness, food portioning, and cancer prevention.
Philosophy Tutoring
Since I have taken economics and teach economics as incorporated in my business classes and I teach business ethics, I have incorporated business ethics and social responsibility in my management and business classes and tutoring. In economics Karl Marx and the communist manifesto is discussed as related to class struggle and workers rights. other aspects of philosophy that I have tutored for 14 years include the social contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and during the Age of Enlightenment was the Humanists once the Church lost some power. these philosophers include Immanuel Kant, Thomas Aquinas, Réné Descartes, etc Modern philosophers include Michel Foucault, Simone de Beauvoir on feminism, and Jean Paul Sartre existentialism
Early philosophers include Socrates, and Plato, the latter brought about the concept of logic. I tutor these concepts and have for 14 years. .
Political Science Tutoring
In one of my four masters, I received a masters in liberal studies with a concentration in political science and history. Also for 14 years when I tutor, I have been tutoring political science as it relates to voting patterns, constitutional law, healthcare law, and the systems of checks and balances, legislative and judicial procedures as well as executive procedures, and comparison of political systems. such political systems include democracy, republic, theocracy, or a dictatorship.
Psychology Tutoring
I have taken psychology, sociology, and social problems as an undergraduate. In addition at Columbia U where I received my EdM in educational admin, I took education courses that taught psychology from a learning and information processing pêrspective including IQ and testing for intelligence. I have been tutoring developmental psychology like Erikson and Piaget, social psychology such as social learning theory and positive and negative reinforcement like Pavlov for 14 years. .
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
I took the GRE a,d GMAT and have four masters and a PhF. I also tutor for these tests and we go over reading comprehension by looking at the main idea, the theme, and questions being asked or problem being addressed. I have the students answer the question by reading the passage, writing down key ideas, and applying what is there to there own knowledge. The objective is to increase reading comprehension and i have been helping students in this area for 14 years;
Religion Tutoring
I am a born again Christian who has been saved since 1984 and I have been tutoring Bible Studies for 14 years. When I tutor, I teach the Bible along with ancient history, from the ancient world of the pharaoh in Egypt, to Israel and the Promised land, and the travels of Paul to Ephesus, Corinth and Thessalonica;, n the Old Testament, I teach about Babylon, Jericho, and the Assyrians and the Persians. also in teaching the New Testament, I tutor about Jesus the Son of God and his Ministry and his Apostles, as well as Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension.
Sociology Tutoring
I have taken sociology along with psychology and social problems. In addition, I have also been tutoring sociology of business, which is where industrial psychology is covered. this is study of employee work groups and interaction within the groups. In sociology one also addresses issues like interacting in groups within the society, and in teams that bring about social change. in sociology policy is set and psychologists solve social problems that the students and I discuss such as homelessness, inequality, poverty,and decriminalisation.
Study Skills Tutoring
As a college prof, I have taught several freshman seminars where one of the topics is study skills. I have taught these to frenchman and when covering study skills i cover note taking, reading comprehension and learning how to analyse and synthese what is being read and taught. I have been helping students with organising their work, and taking notes, and how to study for as long as I have been teaching and tutoring.
Writing Tutoring
As a college prof with four masters and a PhD I have a lot of experience with graduate level writing. Thus, I have been tutoring graduate and scholarly writing for 14 years. Concepts include proper sentence structure, transition words and paragraphs, writing in a scholarly voice, and following the APA format. In addition, I am a dissertation editor where I dedit the dissertations of doctoral candidates and their proposals or final dissertations before published in ProQuest. I also edit scholarly research papers and help students with peer reviewed references and citations. I use track changes to show students where they made errors so that they can improve their writing.
Writing Advance Tutoring
This level is lore the graduate and doctoral level writing which is purely designed to be original research that adds to the current literature by filling in a gap in the literature. As a college prof with four masters and a PhD I have a lot of experience with graduate level writing. Thus, I have been tutoring graduate and scholarly writing for 14 years. Concepts include proper sentence structure, transition words and paragraphs, writing in a scholarly voice, and following the APA format. In addition, I am a dissertation editor where I dedit the dissertations of doctoral candidates and their proposals or final dissertations before published in ProQuest. I also edit scholarly research papers and help students with peer reviewed references and citations. I use track changes to show students where they made errors so that they can improve their writing.
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