Fun Facts
I LOVE to travel, especially for months at a time. I have lived in England, Israel, Guatemala, Mexico and Spain. I have also traveled to many other countries, both alone and with my husband. I have studied Spanish in the Spanish countries but have found that Spanish soaps help with Spanish the best.
About Me
I currently teach as adjunct instructor in religious studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. I have been teaching there for 12 years, primarily in the field of ethics and social justice. My travels have enhanced my teaching as I know firsthand some of the issues confronting Third World nations.
I have taught college students for 12 years as well as summer courses for high school students for 6 or 7 years. I also taught k-12 for one year at a Huntington Learning Center, which was a highly directed program, student centered.with programmed learning. I enjoyed teaching all levels of students.
When I was a child I loved to learn but did not particularly enjoy school, preferring to learn on my own I remember reading novels about families who had tutors or governesses and thinking how great it would be to be able to learn with a tutor. While each child is different, I think that one on one attention allows the child to develop their own interests and to really understand the material as some children get overlooked in a large classroom environment. My approach is student-centered.
Request Me NowTrevecca Nazarene University
Religious Studies, Behavioral Sciences
Vanderbilt University
Christianity and Judaism
MastersHistorical Theology
PhdEnglish Tutoring
My primary proficiency in English is through my own writing. As a doctoral student one must write many papers, as well as a Master's thesis and a doctoral dissertation. My writing style, I believe, is clear and direct. It is imperative that students learn how to have a clear voice when writing, understand how to formulate an opinion and how to support it. I learned this myself through my own work.
Greek Tutoring
I have taken ancient Greek and would love to tutor college students learning New Testament Greek. Greek is not as hard as it looks!
Hebrew Tutoring
I have taken Biblical Hebrew and would love to tutor beginning students in Hebrew. Hebrew is a difficult language for English speakers and a tutor could help with this.
International Studies Tutoring
I have taught International Studies and Social Justice at Virginia Commonwealth University for about 8 years. This course focuses on International social justice issues of economic social justice, exploring different theories of social justice and different theories of economic development.
Literature Tutoring
Literature was one of my favorite subjects in school and I believe I could help your student understand an author's point of view. It is also important that your student be able to write about this as well, literature and writing go hand in hand and the student must be able to communicate what they have learned from the literature they are reading.
Philosophy Tutoring
While I majored in religion, philosophy and religion go hand in hand. I took philosophy courses, from logic to ethics and currently teach ethics at the university level. As a tutor, my goal is to make sure that the student is engaged with the material and understands its relevancy to his or her life.
Psychology Tutoring
My double major in college was in religion and the behavioral sciences, which included both psychology and sociology. I am prepared to help the student understand basic psychological and sociological theories, helping them understand the research and with their own research.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
Reading comprehension is the foundation of all learning and I would love to help your student establish this as their foundation. As a university instructor I have first hand knowledge of the importance of reading comprehension for all levels of students. It is imperative today that students be able to understand an author's thesis and supporting arguments.
Religion Tutoring
I have taught religious studies at the university level for 12 years and would be happy to tutor any student level on any of the major world religions, from Buddhism to tribal religions. My primary interest is in Christianity and Judaism, but I teach comparative religion and ethics.
Spanish I Tutoring
I have studied Spanish in Guatemala, Mexico, and Spain and am well qualified to teach beginning Spanish to all age levels.
Study Skills Tutoring
As a university instructor for 12 years, I cannot over emphasize the importance of learning proper study skills at a young age. This includes learning how to outline reading material, when to skim reading material, and how to prioritize your time.
Writing Tutoring
I have learned how to write through writing myself. As a Doctoral student one must write many papers, as well as a Master's thesis and a doctoral dissertation. As a writing instructor, it is important that students learn how to write with a point of view, formulating a thesis and learn how to support that thesis. Grammar is important, but in my opinion, secondary to learning how to write clear papers.
ESL Tutoring
I have no taken no formal ESL classes but have tutored English as a second language as a volunteer and am a native speaker.
Geography Tutoring
I have no formal college education in this topic, but am a world traveler and would be able to bring this subject alive for your younger students.
Government Tutoring
I have taught ethics and international relations for 12 years at VCU and understanding government is a part of these topics. I would be happy to tutor high school students in civics and government.
History Tutoring
As a doctoral student in the history of Christianity, I took historical theory, but as an instructor in international studies at VCU, I have also taught the subject from an historical perspective. I will be able to help your student not only understand US history, but international history as well.
Homework Coach Tutoring
As a homework coach I will help your student prioritize, understand the content, and complete homework assignments. The student will learn study skills and reading comprehension.
Spanish Tutoring
I have studied Spanish in Mexico, Guatemala, and Spain and would love to help your student with beginning Spanish, focusing on vocabulary, comprehension, and conversation.
ACT English Tutoring
As a National Merit Finalist, I will be able to tutor your student in how to take tests and what to focus on in preparing for tests.
GED Tutoring
As a National Merit Finalist, I will be able to tutor your student in how to take tests and what to focus on in preparing for tests.
GRE Tutoring
As a National Merit Finalist, I will be able to tutor your student in how to take tests and what to focus on in preparing for tests.
PSAT Tutoring
As a National Merit Finalist, I will be able to tutor your student in how to take tests and what to focus on in preparing for tests.
Piano Tutoring
I can teach beginning piano either in your home or mine. I took piano lessons for 14 years and love teaching small children to learn to love the piano. It is the basic instrument from which one can learn all the other instruments, learning to read music and understand elementary music theory.
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