Fun Facts
I am really passionate about the arts, especially music and dance. I love choreographing and performing various types of Indian dance. My other hobbies include playing with my eight-year-old brother, practicing yoga, and cooking (I love baking chocolate chip cookies!)
About Me
I am currently a senior at Loyola University majoring in Biology and minoring in psychology and music. My career goal is to become a physician. This is mainly influenced by my passion for education, teaching, and community service.
I have gained much exposure as both a chicago">tutor and mentor since high school. At Niles West High School, I was a literacy center chicago">tutor for three years. My specialties included Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, and English. In college, I continued to chicago">tutor high school students for various math and science subjects. Beyond chicago">tutoring, I also have experience working as a mentor for children from elementary and middle school as a part of a health outreach program known as Health Buddies.
My style of chicago">tutoring is what I describe as “scaffolding” where the ultimate goal is to help students build on their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. I ensure that students discover their ideal study strategy by teaching them how to learn and not just how to solve a problem. More importantly, I help the students get excited about learning by connecting the subject matter to something of their interest and using fun study strategies.