Fun Facts
A fun fact I enjoy sharing is that I have an identical twin sister. We are fifteen minutes apart. I usually shy away from sharing that particular detail because I think fifteen minutes is an abnormally long time! If I could learn how to play any instrument I would choose the piano. I am so impressed by people who can play it and sing at the same time, what a gift! My father spoke four languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, and Japanese. His love for languages inspired me to pursue Spanish.
About Me
I am a recent graduate from Morgan State University. I have my Bachelors degree in English and I earned the honors Summa Cum Laude. I am an aspiring educator and I hope to continue my education. I am currently interested in pursuing a Masters in teaching English as a second language. Last summer, I taught abroad in Colombia. This teaching experience inspired me to teach English to non-native speakers. This Fall, I will be a full-time Pre-K tutor with Literacy Lab, a non-profit organization.
I started tutoring in my junior year of college. I tutored students in the following subjects: English, Humanities, and Spanish. Most of the students I tutored were college sophomores. Following this, I transferred to tutor with the University Writing Center. After graduating I continued with the Writing Center and I started tutoring a kindergarten student. I helped her strengthen her reading fluency and writing skills. Working with Frog Tutoring would allow me to influence even more students.
Tutoring students at the college level and at the elementary level has helped me to recognize the importance of patience and encouragement. I have also learned that getting to know the students' interests helps to foster a genuine relationship which helps ease their anxiousness. As a tutor I want to strive to get to know my students and allow them to get to know me. I want to be a source of positive reinforcement by encouraging them throughout the tutoring sessions.
Request Me NowMorgan State University
English Tutoring
My major in college was English. I took the following English courses: English Composition parts 1 & 2, Survey of American Literature parts 1 & 2, Survey of African American Literature, Survey of British Literature Parts 1 & 2, Advanced Composition, Advanced Grammar, Introduction to the English Language, Adolescent Literature, Women Writers in the Diaspora, Introduction to Shakespeare, Introduction to Humanities Parts 1 & 2, Vocabulary Development, American Romantic Literature, Literary Criticism and Theory, and Introduction to Creative Writing. I averaged an "A" in these courses
Spanish II Tutoring
I minored in Spanish during college. I took the following level 2 courses: Intermediate Spanish 1 with a service learning component, Intermediate Spanish 2, and Spanish for the Health Profession. I earned an "A" in all courses except the Intermediate Spanish 1 service component, I earned a B+ in the course.
Writing Tutoring
I took the following writing intensive courses:
Spanish I Tutoring
Throughout high school, I took the following levels of Spanish: Levels 1-4. Learning Spanish through high school gave me a foundation to continue in college. I can help beginning Spanish speakers with building this same foundation.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
In college, I took an Adolescent Literature course where we read a variety of novels in the young adult genre. From the class I am able to identify key themes that are present in this type of literature. My English Degree comes at an advantage because I can help a middle school student develop the necessary skills to become an effective reader. I also tutored a rising 6th grade student in reading, language arts, and writing.
Study Skills Tutoring
During my tutoring sessions with a rising 6th grade student, I help her build study skills. During our reading, I encourage her to review the questions before reading the passages. I explain that this is a helpful study technique and even test technique to prepare her for identifying clues to answers in a given text.
ESL Tutoring
Last summer, I taught an intermediate English course at a private university in Medellin, Colombia. In my class I integrated oral, written, and reading activities to help students with the material. I also administered midterm and final exams to students.
Spanish III Tutoring
In college I took the following level 3 courses: Advanced Spanish Conversation & Composition parts 1 & 2. I also was a tutoring assistant for Spanish 1 and 2 students. Last summer I spent five weeks in Colombia teaching English to college students at a private university. I earned an "A" in both advanced courses.
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