Fun Facts
I served four years in the U.S. Marine Corps as an Enlisted Infantryman. I served during a very busy time from 2000-2004. I am married to a beautiful Turkish Woman with whom I have 2 beautiful sons.
About Me
I am in my last year and a half of obtaining a BS in Teaching of Mathematics. After graduation I plan to teach Freshman or Sophmore Math at a High School in the Chicagoland Area.
This will be my second Bachelor’s Degree from UIC. In 2009 I earned a BA in Economics with Cum Laude status and Departmental Honors. From 2009 until my return to school I worked a few different jobs, most notably as a Operations Supervisor at a trucking terminal from 2013-2017.
I am frequently asked by my classmates for help in explaining various calculus level problems and above. I also worked as a grader for a College Level Algebra class during the Fall 2017 Semester. In addition I have several years of professional leadership experience.
I strongly believe every person has the ability to learn and understand any information/material being studied. Each one of us have our unique way of learning and retaining information, no one method is better than the other. As a tutor, I not only help students solve problems but utilize their specific learning pattern to help them truly understand the material being studied.
Request Me NowUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
Teaching of Mathematics
Calculus I Tutoring
Calculus 3 Tutoring
I took Calc III during the Spring 2017 Semester and earned a B. As a future High School Teacher I will likely be teaching the early stages of Calculus but may also find myself teaching an AP Calculus class.
College Algebra Tutoring
I earned an A in this class.
Dreamweaver Tutoring
Macro Economics Tutoring
Pre Calculus Tutoring
Calculus Tutoring
Calc 1, 2 & 3 as well as Business Calculus. I earned Bs in all 4 classes.
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