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Fun Facts

I love math. I have taken three levels of Calculus. Further, I took Differential equations, vector analysis and linear algebra. I am pretty good at mathematics.

About Me

I am a junior at City College of New York pursuing a degree of Mechanical Engineering. I wish to go to graduate school one day to become a Aerospace Engineer. My ultimate goal is to work at NASA one day even for an internship.


I have been done tutoring especially for mathematics since high school. I have worked with three organizations already which offer a counseling for other activities and tutoring to middle school and high school students. Working with Frog tutoring would give me the freedom to assist students in my own way.


If any student has made it to college, they are familiar with the struggle of disappointment and little failures. However, keeping yourself positive and keep pushing through those struggles gives you the victory at the end. I am very aware of the fact that every student has his own abilities and pace to learn, making them feel confident at learning and ultimately successful is my goal.

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City College of NY

Mechanical Engineering

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Physics I Tutoring


Math Tutoring

Calculus I-III, Differential Equation, Linear algebra and Vector Analysis

Calculus 3 Tutoring

grade B+

Calculus 2 Tutoring

grade B

Calculus I Tutoring

grade = A+

Trigonometry Tutoring

high school grade = 85 (regent exam)

Algebra Tutoring

Algebra 89

Algebra II Tutoring


AP Physics Tutoring


Calculus Tutoring


Calculus AP Tutoring


Physics Tutoring

91 (regent exam)

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I took direct calculus, grade=A+

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